
时间:2010-10-16 21:44:23

标签: asp.net-mvc


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:37)



它还依赖于正则表达式(以及其中的一些)来理解WebForms mumbo-jumbo,就像JohnnyO的工具一样。我们可能会涵盖更多案例,但不要相信我的话,而是在几个观点上尝试。

答案 1 :(得分:11)




警告:如果您已经有一个与您尝试转换的.aspx / .ascx文件同名的.cshtml文件,则此应用程序将在完成.aspx / .ascx时覆盖.cshtml文件转换。


注意:如果您的aspx / ascx文件被标记为“只读”,则会出现错误,因为控制台应用程序将无法打开它。确保在您尝试转换的所有aspx / ascx文件上关闭只读标志。

class Program {
    private readonly static string razorExtension = ".cshtml";

    /// <summary>Usage: RazorConverter.exe  "C:\Files" or RazorConverter.exe  "C:\Files\MyFile.aspx"</summary>
    static void Main(string[] args) {

        if (args.Length < 1)
            throw new ArgumentException("File or folder path is missing.");
        string path = args[0];

        List<string> convertedFiles = new List<string>();
        Regex webFormsExtension = new Regex(".aspx$|.ascx$");
        if (Directory.Exists(path)) {
            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.aspx")) {
                var outputFile = webFormsExtension.Replace(file, razorExtension);
                ConvertToRazor(file, outputFile);

            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.ascx")) {
                var outputFile = webFormsExtension.Replace(file, razorExtension);
                ConvertToRazor(file, outputFile);
        } else if (File.Exists(path)) {
            var match = webFormsExtension.Match(path);
            if (match.Success) {
                ConvertToRazor(path, webFormsExtension.Replace(path, razorExtension));
            } else {
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("{0} file isn't a WebForms view", path));
        } else {
            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("{0} doesn't exist", path));

        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The following {0} files were converted:", convertedFiles.Count));
        foreach (var file in convertedFiles) {

    private static void ConvertToRazor(string inputFile, string outputFile) {

        // Known Bug: when writing anything directly to the response (other than for HTML helpers (e.g. Html.RenderPartial or Html.RenderAction)),
        // this Converter will not correctly generate the markup. For example:
        // <% Html.RenderPartial("LogOnUserControl"); %> will properly convert to @{ Html.RenderPartial("LogOnUserControl"); }
        // but
        // <% MyCustom("Foo"); %> will incorrectly convert to @MyCustom("Foo");

        string view;
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(inputFile, FileMode.Open))
        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs)) {
            view = sr.ReadToEnd();

        // Convert Comments
        Regex commentBegin = new Regex("<%--\\s*");
        Regex commentEnd = new Regex("\\s*--%>");
        view = commentBegin.Replace(view, "@*");
        view = commentEnd.Replace(view, "*@");

        // Convert Model
        Regex model = new Regex("(?<=Inherits=\"System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<|Inherits=\"System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<)(.*?)(?=>\")");
        Regex pageDeclaration = new Regex("(<%@ Page|<%@ Control).*?%>");
        Match modelMatch = model.Match(view);
        if (modelMatch.Success) {
            view = pageDeclaration.Replace(view, "@model " + modelMatch.Value);
        } else {
            view = pageDeclaration.Replace(view, String.Empty);

        // TitleContent
        // I'm converting the "TitleContent" ContentPlaceHolder to View.Title because
        // that's what TitleContent was for.  You may want to ommit this.
        Regex titleContent = new Regex("<asp:Content.*?ContentPlaceHolderID=\"TitleContent\"[\\w\\W]*?</asp:Content>");
        Regex title = new Regex("(?<=<%:\\s).*?(?=\\s*%>)");
        var titleContentMatch = titleContent.Match(view);
        if (titleContentMatch.Success) {
            var titleVariable = title.Match(titleContentMatch.Value).Value;
            view = titleContent.Replace(view, "@{" + Environment.NewLine + "    View.Title = " + titleVariable + ";" + Environment.NewLine + "}");
            // find all references to the titleVariable and replace it with View.Title
            Regex titleReferences = new Regex("<%:\\s*" + titleVariable + "\\s*%>");
            view = titleReferences.Replace(view, "@View.Title");

        // MainContent
        // I want the MainContent ContentPlaceholder to be rendered in @RenderBody().
        // If you want another section to be rendered in @RenderBody(), you'll want to modify this
        Regex mainContent = new Regex("<asp:Content.*?ContentPlaceHolderID=\"MainContent\"[\\w\\W]*?</asp:Content>");
        Regex mainContentBegin = new Regex("<asp:Content.*?ContentPlaceHolderID=\"MainContent\".*?\">");
        Regex mainContentEnd = new Regex("</asp:Content>");
        var mainContentMatch = mainContent.Match(view);
        if (mainContentMatch.Success) {
            view = view.Replace(mainContentMatch.Value, mainContentBegin.Replace(mainContentEnd.Replace(mainContentMatch.Value, String.Empty), String.Empty));

        // Match <%= Foo %> (i.e. make sure we're not HTML encoding these)
        Regex replaceWithMvcHtmlString = new Regex("<%=\\s.*?\\s*%>"); // removed * from the first <%=\\s.*?\\s*%> here because I couldn't figure out how to do the equivalent in the positive lookbehind in mvcHtmlStringVariable
        Regex mvcHtmlStringVariable = new Regex("(?<=<%=\\s).*?(?=\\s*%>)");
        // Match <%, <%:
        Regex replaceWithAt = new Regex("<%:*\\s*");
        // Match  %>, <% (but only if there's a proceeding })
        Regex replaceWithEmpty = new Regex("\\s*%>|<%\\s*(?=})");

        var replaceWithMvcHtmlStrings = replaceWithMvcHtmlString.Matches(view);
        foreach (Match mvcString in replaceWithMvcHtmlStrings) {
            view = view.Replace(mvcString.Value, "@MvcHtmlString.Create(" + mvcHtmlStringVariable.Match(mvcString.Value).Value + ")");

        view = replaceWithEmpty.Replace(view, String.Empty);
        view = replaceWithAt.Replace(view, "@");

        Regex contentPlaceholderBegin = new Regex("<asp:Content[\\w\\W]*?>");
        Regex contentPlaceholderId = new Regex("(?<=ContentPlaceHolderID=\").*?(?=\")");
        Regex contentPlaceholderEnd = new Regex("</asp:Content>");
        MatchCollection contentPlaceholders = contentPlaceholderBegin.Matches(view);
        foreach (Match cp in contentPlaceholders) {
            view = view.Replace(cp.Value, "@section " + contentPlaceholderId.Match(cp.Value).Value + " {");
        view = contentPlaceholderEnd.Replace(view, "}");

        // if we have something like @Html.RenderPartial("LogOnUserControl");, replace it with @{ Html.RenderPartial("LogOnUserControl"); }
        Regex render = new Regex("@Html\\.\\S*\\(.*\\)\\S*?;");
        var renderMatches = render.Matches(view);
        foreach (Match r in renderMatches) {
            view = view.Replace(r.Value, "@{ " + r.Value.Substring(1) + " }");

        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create)) {
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(view);
            fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

答案 2 :(得分:2)

ReSharper的用户可能会投票支持自动从aspx转换为cshtml的功能。 ReSharper将为双方提供AST表示,因此他们可以(理论上)在不需要正则表达式的情况下完成非常强大的工作。
