
时间:2016-09-14 19:33:27

标签: javascript php html wordpress woocommerce



enter image description here


<td class="product-url">
        $html = sprintf( '<div class="lorem"><input type="checkbox" name="cart[%s][lorem]" value="%s" size="4"  class="input-text url text" /> Lorem price</div>', $cart_item_key, esc_attr( $values['url'] ) );
        echo $html;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我假设lorem price存储在与meta_key your_custom_meta_field相关联的自定义元字段中


add_action( 'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', 'my_custom_calculate_totals' );
function my_custom_calculate_totals( $cart ) {
    if ( ! empty( $cart->cart_contents ) ) {
        $lorem_price = array();
        if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['cart'] ) ) {      // check if any of the checkboxes is checked
            WC()->session->set( 'my_lorem_price', $_REQUEST['cart'] );      // set all checkboxes information in session
            $lorem_price = $_REQUEST['cart'];
        if ( empty( $lorem_price ) ) {
            $lorem_price = WC()->session->get( 'my_lorem_price' );      // fetch all checkboxes information from session
        if ( empty( $lorem_price ) ) {
            return;     // don't do anything if any of the checkboxes is not checked
        foreach ( $cart->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) {
            if ( isset( $lorem_price[ $cart_item_key ]['lorem'] ) ) {
                // Use following line if lorem price is set at variation level
                $id = ( ! empty( $cart_item['variation_id'] ) && $cart_item['variation_id'] > 0 ) ? $cart_item['variation_id'] : $cart_item['product_id'];
                // Use following line if lorem price is set at product level
                // $id = $cart_item['product_id'];
                $new_price = get_post_meta( $id, 'your_custom_meta_field', true );      // fetch price from custom field
                $cart_item['data']->price = $new_price;