
时间:2016-09-14 19:21:52

标签: c


软件在计算过程中写入输出文件,我想监视变量“PERCENT FILLED”并在值稳定时终止模拟。我可以终止代码,我遇到的问题是使用C读取PERCENT FILLED的值,我可以很容易地在python或shell脚本中执行此操作,但我真的很难用C语言。


我试图通过将任务分解为更小的子任务来做到这一点。代码的效率并不重要,因为不必频繁运行此函数,并且要读取的文件不是很大。我相信有更快更优雅的方式来做到这一点! 使用网络上的其他代码并修改它们我已经提出了以下内容。

我尝试执行以下子任务: A)去除包含“PERCENT FILLED”的所有行并将它们写入文件(PERCENT FILLED.txt) B)读取该文件中的行数,然后将最后3行读入单独的变量中。 C)然后我需要重新格式化这些变量。例如,将3个变量从“PERCENT FILLED = 6.72902E + 00”形式的字符串更改为值为6.72902的浮点值。


B中的错误) - 当我运行代码时,它在while循环中正确地为line1,line2和line3分配值,但是一旦在while循环之外,所有值都会变为line1的值。这个我不明白。谁能帮助我理解和解决这个问题?


line3: PERCENT FILLED =   6.31275E+00
line2: PERCENT FILLED =   6.50146E+00
line1: PERCENT FILLED =   6.72902E+00
out line1: PERCENT FILLED =   6.72902E+00
out line2: PERCENT FILLED =   6.72902E+00
out line3: PERCENT FILLED =   6.72902E+00

C部分) - 我不知道从哪里开始。看起来有足够的内联信息来使用atof()将字符串转换为float。但是,我首先需要从字符串的开头删除PERCENT FILLED =然后转换工程数字格式(某些值为1.00E + 02,因此只需剥离最后4个字符 - E + 00 - 将无效)。这个我无法解决怎么做。任何帮助,将不胜感激。

示例输入文件(通过删除PERCENT FILLED值之间的行来简化):

  Step = 171 Iteration = 0 Time step = 0.014849 Time = 4.834002
  Iter Variable Solver Loops          Delta      Solve CPU       Form CPU
     0        F  EXPLC     4   1.0000000E+00       0.007999       0.000000
 FRACTION SOLID = 0.000000e+00 %
 PERCENT FILLED =   5.46882E+00
  Step = 172 Iteration = 0 Time step = 0.029698 Time = 4.863700
  Iter Variable Solver Loops          Delta      Solve CPU       Form CPU
     0        F  EXPLC    11   1.0000000E+00       0.018997       0.000000
 FRACTION SOLID = 0.000000e+00 %
 PERCENT FILLED =   5.70902E+00
  Step = 173 Iteration = 0 Time step = 0.029698 Time = 4.893398
  Time step reduced by COURANT limit in free_surface, c_lim = 2.032750e-02
  Iter Variable Solver Loops          Delta      Solve CPU       Form CPU
     0        F  EXPLC     6   1.0000000E+00       0.010998       0.000000
 FRACTION SOLID = 0.000000e+00 %
 PERCENT FILLED =   5.89665E+00
  Step = 174 Iteration = 0 Time step = 0.020328 Time = 4.904356
  Iter Variable Solver Loops          Delta      Solve CPU       Form CPU
     0        F  EXPLC     7   1.0000000E+00       0.011997       0.000000
 FRACTION SOLID = 0.000000e+00 %
 PERCENT FILLED =   6.08026E+00
  Step = 175 Iteration = 0 Time step = 0.040655 Time = 4.945011
  Time step reduced by COURANT limit in free_surface, c_lim = 2.547617e-02
  Iter Variable Solver Loops          Delta      Solve CPU       Form CPU
     0        F  EXPLC     9   1.0000000E+00       0.016998       0.000000
 FRACTION SOLID = 0.000000e+00 %
 PERCENT FILLED =   6.31275E+00
  Step = 176 Iteration = 0 Time step = 0.025476 Time = 4.955307
  Time step reduced by COURANT limit in free_surface, c_lim = 1.997734e-02
  Iter Variable Solver Loops          Delta      Solve CPU       Form CPU
     0        F  EXPLC     9   1.0000000E+00       0.016994       0.000000
 FRACTION SOLID = 0.000000e+00 %
 PERCENT FILLED =   6.50146E+00
  Step = 177 Iteration = 0 Time step = 0.039955 Time = 4.989764
  Time step reduced by COURANT limit in free_surface, c_lim = 2.547537e-02
  Iter Variable Solver Loops          Delta      Solve CPU       Form CPU
     0        F  EXPLC    13   1.0000000E+00       0.024994       0.000000
 FRACTION SOLID = 0.000000e+00 %
 PERCENT FILLED =   6.72902E+00


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char line[1000];
    char *pch;
    char c[] = "PERCENT FILLED =";
    char buff[1000];

/* Create a list of PERCENT FILLED values and write to file - copy every line containing PERCENT FILLED from p.out file*/
    FILE *fp = fopen("inputFILE.txt", "r");
    FILE *op = fopen("PERCENT_FILLED.txt", "w");

    if(fp == NULL || op == NULL)
          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file.");
         while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != 0)
              if((pch = strstr (line, c))!= 0)
              fprintf(op, "%s", line);


/* Get the total number of lines in the file PERCENT_FILLED.txt   */

   FILE* myfile = fopen("PERCENT_FILLED.txt", "r");
   int ch, number_of_lines = 0;
   int line_num = 0;
   int count = 0;
   char readline[256];                                /* or other suitable maximum line size */
   char* line1;
   char* line2;
   char* line3;

        ch = fgetc(myfile);
        if(ch == '\n')
    } while (ch != EOF);

    // last line doesn't end with a new line!
    // but there has to be a line at least before the last line
    if(ch != '\n' && number_of_lines != 0) 


/* Get the last 3 PERCENT_FILLED values from the PERCENT_FILLED.txt   */

    FILE* infile = fopen("PERCENT_FILLED.txt", "r");

    if ( infile != NULL )
        while (fgets(readline, sizeof line, infile) != NULL) /* read a line */
            if (count == (number_of_lines-4))
               line3 = readline;
               printf("\nline3:%s", line3);
            else if (count == (number_of_lines-3))
               line2 = readline;
               printf("line2:%s", line2);
            else if (count == (number_of_lines-2))
               line1 = readline;
               printf("line1:%s", line1);
                printf("readline:%s count:%d\n", readline, count);
    printf("out line1:%s", line1);
    printf("out line2:%s", line2);
    printf("out line3:%s\n\n", line3);

/* strip "PERCENT FILLED = " from the string and turn the string into a float  */
/* Do this for line1, line2, line3 */
/* Example string is "  PERCENT FILLED =   6.72902E+00" need to turn this in to a float variable of value 6.72902 */

    return 0;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


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