数据清理 - 无法使FindReplace功能按预期工作

时间:2016-09-14 11:28:33

标签: r find-replace




   UserId          Location
1   USR_1             Paris
2   USR_2            London
3   USR_3           Londres
4   USR_4           Neuilly
5   USR_5            Berlin
6   USR_6    London Chelsea
7   USR_7 Berlin Schoenfeld
8   USR_8          Paris-20
9   USR_9           Neuilly
10 USR_10     Friedrischain


# Data for testing
user_test <- data_frame(x <- paste("USR", as.character(1:10), sep = "_"), y <- c("Paris", "London", "Londres", "Neuilly", " Berlin", "London Chelsea", "Berlin Schoenfeld", "Paris-20", "Neuilly", "Friedrischain"))
colnames(user_test) <- c("UserId","Location")
user_test <- as.data.frame(user_test) ### Not sure why I have to put it there but otherwise it doesn't have the dataframe class
should_be <- data_frame(c("Paris", "London", "Berlin", "Neuilly", "Friedr"), c("Paris", "London", "Berlin", "Paris", "Berlin"))
colnames(should_be) <- c("is","should_be")

# Calling the function
FindReplace(data = user_test, Var = "Location", replaceData = should_be, from = "is", to = "should_be", exact = FALSE, vector = FALSE)


   UserId          Location
1   USR_1             Paris
2   USR_2            London
3   USR_3           Londres
4   USR_4             Paris
5   USR_5            Berlin
6   USR_6    London Chelsea
7   USR_7 Berlin Schoenfeld
8   USR_8          Paris-20
9   USR_9             Paris
10 USR_10     Berlinischain



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


# Data for testing

left_join(user_test, should_be, by = c("Location"="is")) %>% 
  mutate(final = coalesce(should_be, Location))

#> # A tibble: 10 x 4
#>    UserId Location          should_be final            
#>    <chr>  <chr>             <chr>     <chr>            
#>  1 USR_1  Paris             Paris     Paris            
#>  2 USR_2  London            London    London           
#>  3 USR_3  Londres           <NA>      Londres          
#>  4 USR_4  Neuilly           Paris     Paris            
#>  5 USR_5  " Berlin"         <NA>      " Berlin"        
#>  6 USR_6  London Chelsea    <NA>      London Chelsea   
#>  7 USR_7  Berlin Schoenfeld <NA>      Berlin Schoenfeld
#>  8 USR_8  Paris-20          <NA>      Paris-20         
#>  9 USR_9  Neuilly           Paris     Paris            
#> 10 USR_10 Friedrischain     <NA>      Friedrischain
Created on 2018-03-03 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).