时间:2016-09-13 21:53:11

标签: ibm-mq qtp hp-uft



strQMgrName = "queue manager name"
strMQMDllPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\WebSphere MQ\\bin\\amqmdnet.dll"
Set oMqEnvironment = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment",strMQMDllPath)
oMqEnvironment.Hostname = "host name"
oMqEnvironment.Port = "port number"
oMqEnvironment.Channel = "channel name"

Set oMQC = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQC",strMQMDllPath)
' qmanager name,channel name, connection name
Set oMqQMgr = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager",strMQMDllPath,strQMgrName)



public MQQueue AccessQueue(string queueName, int openOptions)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

经过大量的谷歌搜索和阅读IBM文档后,我能够从UFT中放入和获取MQ中的消息。 ..下面的代码片段对我有用..希望这有助于一些..我正在分别处理PUT和GET,因此代码中可能会有一些重复。

此先决条件..您必须从IBM站点下载MQ Client并将其安装在安装了UFT的PC上.IBM MQ客户端是免费软件

  Dim oMQEnvironment
    Dim oMQM
    Dim oMQC
    Dim oMQMessage
    Dim oMQQueue
    Dim intOpenOptions

    strMQMDLLPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\WebSphere MQ\\bin\\amqmdnet.dll"
    strHostName= "Host Name"
    intPort = "Port Number"
    strChannel ="Channel Name"
    strMessage ="UFT Test Message"
    strMQManager = "Quemanager Name"
    strMessageQueue = "Queue Name"



 Set oMQEnvironment = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment",strMQMDLLPath)

    'Initize the Environment
    With oMQEnvironment
    .HostName = strHostName 
    .Port = intPort
    .Channel = strChannel 
    End with

    On Error Resume Next
    'Create MQ Instatnces
    Set oMQM = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager",strMQMDLLPath)

    'Check if MQM Connected
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Reporter.ReportEvent micFail , "Step: Creating MQM Object" , "Unable to Connect to MQ Manager at" & strHostName
        'Exit Test
    End If

    Set oMQC = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQC",strMQMDLLPath)
    Set oMQMessage = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQMessage",strMQMDLLPath)

    'Declare Q open options
    intOpenOptions = oMQC.MQOO_OUTPUT or oMQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING ' 16 + 8192

    'Open the Q to post the messages
    If strRemoteMQManager = "" Then
    Set oMQQueue = oMQM.AccessQueue(strMessageQueue , intOpenOptions)
    Set oMQQueue = oMQM.AccessQueue(strMessageQueue , intOpenOptions ,strRemoteMQManager, "","" )
    End If

    'Format Message
    With oMQMessage
    .CharacterSet = 819
    End with

    'Post Message
    With oMQQueue
    End With 


Dim oMQEnvironment
Dim oMQM
Dim oMQC
Dim oMQMessage
Dim oMQQueue

strMQMDLLPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\WebSphere MQ\\bin\\amqmdnet.dll"
strHostName= "host name"
intPort = "port number"
strChannel ="channel name"
strMessage ="UFT Test Message"
strMessageQueue = "message queue intended to access"
strMQManager = "mq manager name"

'Create MQ Instances
Set oMQC = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQC",strMQMDLLPath)

'set the properties of the Queue manager
Set properties = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Collections.Hashtable")
                properties.Add oMQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, strHostName
                properties.Add oMQC.PORT_PROPERTY, intPort
                properties.Add oMQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, strChannel

'access the queue manager 
Set oMQM = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager",strMQMDLLPath,strMQManager,properties)

'here We are trying to browse the message one by one and keep the messages on the queue.

'Declare Q open options
Set oMQQueue = oMQM.AccessQueue(strMessageQueue,oMQC.MQOO_BROWSE)
Set oMQGetMessageOptions = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQGetMessageOptions",strMQMDLLPath) 
oMQGetMessageOptions.Options = oMQC.MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST

Set oMQMessage = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQMessage",strMQMDLLPath)

    oMQQueue.Get oMQMessage,oMQGetMessageOptions

Set mqGetNextMsgOpts = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQGetMessageOptions",strMQMDLLPath) 
mqGetNextMsgOpts.Options = oMQC.MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT

browseMessages = true

Do while browseMessages
        on error resume next
        messageText = oMQMessage.ReadString(oMQMessage.MessageLength)
        'Print messageText
        Set oMQMessage = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQMessage",strMQMDLLPath)
        oMQQueue.Get oMQMessage,mqGetNextMsgOpts
        if Err.Number <> 0 then browseMessages =false   
        'Clear both MsgID and CorrelID for next use.
        oMQMessage.MessageId = oMQC.MQMI_NONE
        oMQMessage.CorrelationId = oMQC.MQCI_NONE           

Set oMQQueue = Nothing 
Set oMQMessage= Nothing 
Set oMQOpenOptions= Nothing 
Set oMQM= Nothing 
Set oMQEnvironment = Nothing