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<div class="btn-col" button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#helplinks"><p id="scrollertext">What is a Trust Deed? ↓</p></button></div>
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<p id="scrollerinfo"> A Trust Deed is a formal agreement made between the person in debt and their creditors. The agreement allows the debtor to make regular monthly payments towards clearing their debt. All further interest and charges on the outstanding debt are stopped. At the end of the arrangement, any unpaid debt is written off.</p>
刚开始进行网页设计和编码.. 已经建立了一个基本的网站,其中包含一些Bootstrap井,可以级联以提供更多信息。 在Windows和Android平台上都很好,网站效果很好。但它没有在Safari浏览器上工作? 我已经按照一些同事的建议使用了最新的bootstrap.min文件 - 但是这有点帮助。有人有什么想法吗?