这是一个程序,其中每一行使用元组分成对,这样每个字母都有一个对应的数字作为A:6,B:6,C:35 ..etc如果一个值小于10,那么字母表被转换为N.以下是代码。我发现我的代码不会在代码的最后部分循环遍历元组函数。它只接受一个序列而不会遍历另一个序列
答案 0 :(得分:0)
function db_prepare(){
$MySqlConnection = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection
$MySqlConnection.ConnectionString = "server=$MySQLServerName;user id=$Username;password=$Password;database=$MySQLDatenbankName;pooling=false"
$MySqlCommand = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand
$MySqlCommand.Connection = $MySqlConnection
$MySqlCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO `whatever` (col1,col2...) VALUES (@va1,@va2...)"
if($MySqlConnection.State -eq 'closed'){ db_prepare() }
## do the event reading and data formating stuff
## bild some variables to set as sql param values
Try{ $MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null }
Catch{ <# error handling #> }
all_inputs = [] # <---- add this
for i in range(0,ll):
sq = l[i]
sequence = sq.split(" ")[0] ## Stores only the alphabets
qualities = sq.split(" ")[1:] ## Stores only the numeric
qualities = filter(None, qualities)
for sub in sequence:
if sub == "-":
idx = list(sequence).index(sub)
# also add this ***********************
all_inputs.append((sequence, qualities))
pairs = []
# change this *******************************
for sequence, qualities in all_inputs:
print sub
new_list = []
for x in range(len(sequence)):
print x
new_tuple = (sequence[x], qualities[x])
print new_tuple
if int(qualities[x]) < 10:
new_tuple = ("Z", qualities[x])
print pairs