
时间:2016-09-12 21:29:28

标签: javascript

我正在研究NodeSchool的Functional Javascript课程。 "每一个"运动提供了一个好的用户"用于比较另一个用户列表的对象数组(也是一个对象数组)。


function checkUsersValid(goodUsers) {
  return function allUsersValid(submittedUsers) {
    return submittedUsers.every(function(submittedUser) {
      return goodUsers.some(function(goodUser) {
        return goodUser.id === submittedUser.id;

module.exports = checkUsersValid;


# Task

Return a function that takes a list of valid users, and returns a function that returns true if all of the supplied users exist in the original list of users.

You only need to check that the ids match.

## Example

    var goodUsers = [
      { id: 1 },
      { id: 2 },
      { id: 3 }

    // `checkUsersValid` is the function you'll define
    var testAllValid = checkUsersValid(goodUsers)

      { id: 2 },
      { id: 1 }
    // => true

      { id: 2 },
      { id: 4 },
      { id: 1 }
    // => false

## Arguments

  * goodUsers: a list of valid users

Use array#some and Array#every to check every user passed to your returned function exists in the array passed to the exported function.

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


allUsersValid:如果所有submitUsers都包含在goodUsers中,则返回true。 goodUsers变量可通过运行checkUsersValid创建的原始闭包来使用。



return goodUser.id === submittedUser.id:goodUser属于最后一个回调范围。在父范围内提交了用户。


答案 1 :(得分:2)


function checkUsersValid(goodUsers) {

  // allUsersValid is a function that compares lists of users against each other
  // if they do not match exactly return false if they do match return true 

  return function allUsersValid(submittedUsers) {

    // .every checks to see if every element in array passes a test
    // defined by the following function if every element passes
    // it will return true, and if not return false
    return submittedUsers.every(function(submittedUser) {

    // .some is a function that tests to see if any elements pass the
    // test defined by the function I.E. does this submitted user.id
    // match any of the goodUsers ids if so pass true else false
    // if all return true then .every returns true if any of them
    // return false then .every will return false
      return goodUsers.some(function(goodUser) {
        return goodUser.id === submittedUser.id;

module.exports = checkUsersValid;

答案 2 :(得分:1)


定义的第一个函数checkUsersValid采用一系列优秀用户,您可以在将来检查这些用户。它返回的函数allUsersValid只要调用它就可以访问goodUsers。这是partial application的一个例子,虽然我不确定在这种情况下我是否看到它的使用。


function allUsersValid(goodUsers, submittedUsers) {
    return submittedUsers.every(function(submittedUser) {
        return goodUsers.some(function(goodUser) {
            return goodUser.id === submittedUser.id;


var goodUsers = [
    { id: 1 },
    { id: 2 },
    { id: 3 }

allUsersValid( goodUsers, [
    { id: 2 },
    { id: 1 }

现在,allUsersValid如何运作:它使用everysome来验证submittedUsersgoodUsers中的每个用户是否都存在。everysome遍历数组,如果回调为数组中的每个元素返回true,则返回true。 submittedUsers类似,只要回调对数组中的至少一个元素返回true,它就会返回true。所以,会发生的事情是它从goodUsers迭代每个用户,然后 - 对于每个用户 - 迭代StandardWebSocketClient webSocketClient = new StandardWebSocketClient(); List<Transport> transports = new ArrayList<>(2); transports.add(new WebSocketTransport(webSocketClient)); SockJsClient sockJsClient = new SockJsClient(transports); WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(sockJsClient); stompClient.setMessageConverter(new SimpleMessageConverter()); stompClient.setTaskScheduler(taskScheduler); StompSessionHandlerImp stompSessionHandlerImp = new StompSessionHandlerImp(); WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders = new WebSocketHttpHeaders(); handshakeHeaders.add("tokenGroup", "192:168:99:3::DEMO"); handshakeHeaders.add("targetNickname", "NULL_BORRAR"); stompClient.connect(stompUrlEndpoint.toString(), handshakeHeaders, stompSessionHandlerImp, new Object[0]); 中的每个用户,直到找到与提交的用户匹配的ID。如果没有为每个提交的用户找到ID,则该函数将返回false。