namespace Calculation
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("This is a system to calculate speed, distance or time.");
Console.WriteLine("1 = Speed - 2 = Distance - 3 = time");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter which calculation you would like to perform. 1, 2 or 3");
string userCalculation = Console.ReadLine();
int Calculation = int.Parse(userCalculation);
if(Calculation < 1)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 3.");
if (Calculation > 3)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number less than 3 but greater than or equal to 1.");
switch (Calculation)
//This statement calculates speed.
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("You have chose to calculate speed. S = D/T");
Console.WriteLine("To work this out you need to firstly enter your distance in metres");
string userDistance = Console.ReadLine();
int Distance = int.Parse(userDistance);
Console.WriteLine("Now enter your time in seconds.");
string userTime = Console.ReadLine();
int Time = int.Parse(userTime);
Console.WriteLine("Your speed is " + Distance / Time + " m/s");
Console.WriteLine("In MPH this is " + Distance / Time * 2.23 + "MPH");
//This statement calculates distance.
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("You have chose to calculate distance. D = SxT");
Console.WriteLine("To work this out you need to firstly enter your speed");
string userSpeed = Console.ReadLine();
int Speed = int.Parse(userSpeed);
Console.WriteLine("Now enter your time in hours.");
string userTime1 = Console.ReadLine();
double Time1 = double.Parse(userTime1);
Console.WriteLine("Your Distance is " + Speed * Time1 + " miles");
//This statement calculates time.
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("You have chose to calculate Time. T = D/S");
Console.WriteLine("To work this out you need to firstly enter your distance in miles.");
string userMiles = Console.ReadLine();
int Miles = int.Parse(userMiles);
Console.WriteLine("Now enter your Speed in MPH.");
string userSpeed2 = Console.ReadLine();
double Speed2 = double.Parse(userSpeed2);
Console.WriteLine("Your Time is " + Miles / Speed2 + "hours.");
Console.WriteLine("This would be " + Miles / Speed2 * 60 + " minutes");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
关于if / switch,您可以在交换机末尾使用default:
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 3.");
答案 1 :(得分:0)
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("You have chose to calculate speed. S = D/T");
int Distance = GetNumericInput("To work this out you need to firstly enter your distance in metres");
int Time = GetNumericInput("Now enter your time in seconds.");
Console.WriteLine("Your speed is " + Distance / Time + " m/s");
Console.WriteLine("In MPH this is " + Distance / Time * 2.23 + "MPH");
string GetNumericInput(string prompt)
string input = Console.ReadLine();
int inputNumeric = int.Parse(input);
return input;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
if (Calculation < 1 || Calculation > 3)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 3.");
private int GetIntUserInput()
string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
int convertedUserInput = int.Parse(userInput);
return convertedUserInput;
private double GetDoubleUserInput()
string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
double convertedUserInput = double.Parse(userInput);
return convertedUserInput;
我也应该将计算转移到功能上 您还可以使用枚举来提高可读性。
enum Options
Options calculation = (Options)Calculation; //cast user input number
// to Option enum
switch (calculation)
case options.Distance:
// some code
case options.Speed:
// some code
答案 3 :(得分:0)
public interface ICalculation
void Run();
public class SpeedCalculation
: ICalculation
public void Run()
Console.WriteLine("You have chose to calculate speed. S = D/T");
Console.WriteLine("To work this out you need to firstly enter your distance in metres");
string userDistance = Console.ReadLine();
int Distance = int.Parse(userDistance);
Console.WriteLine("Now enter your time in seconds.");
string userTime = Console.ReadLine();
int Time = int.Parse(userTime);
Console.WriteLine("Your speed is " + Distance / Time + " m/s");
Console.WriteLine("In MPH this is " + Distance / Time * 2.23 + "MPH");
...more ICalculation types...
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var caseDictionary = new Dictionary<int, ICalculation>
{1, new SpeedCalculation()},
{2, new DistanceCalculation()},
{3, new TimeCalculation()}
Console.WriteLine("This is a system to calculate speed, distance or time.");
Console.WriteLine("1 = Speed - 2 = Distance - 3 = time");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter which calculation you would like to perform. 1, 2 or 3");
string userCalculation = Console.ReadLine();
int Calculation = int.Parse(userCalculation);
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number between 1 and 3 (inclusive).");
这为您提供了使用继承或抽象组织代码的选项,可以轻松添加新案例(甚至以编程方式),并且可以使主方法更灵活(例如,行“1 = Speed - 2 =距离 - 3 =时间“可以从字典的内容生成。”
答案 4 :(得分:0)
class Program
private class MenuOption
public string Description { get; }
public Action Run { get; }
public MenuOption(string description, Action run)
Description = description;
Run = run;
static void Main(string[] args)
int option;
var menuOptions = buildMenuOptions();
Console.WriteLine($"This is a system to calculate: {string.Join(", ", menuOptions.Values.Take(menuOptions.Count-1).Select(o => o.Description))}");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" - ", menuOptions.Select(kv => $"{kv.Key} = {kv.Value.Description}")));
Console.WriteLine($"Please enter which calculation you would like to perform. [{string.Join(", ", menuOptions.Keys)}]");
} while (!tryValidateUserOption(menuOptions, out option));
Console.Write("Press key to exit... ");
private static IDictionary<int, MenuOption> buildMenuOptions() =>
new Dictionary<int, MenuOption>() { { 1, new MenuOption("Speed", () => runSpeedOption()) },
{ 2, new MenuOption("Distance", () => runDistanceOption()) },
{ 3, new MenuOption("Time", () => runTimeOption())},
{ 4, new MenuOption("Quit", () => { return; }) } };
private static bool tryValidateUserOption(IDictionary<int, MenuOption> options, out int selectedOption)
var input = Console.ReadLine();
if (!int.TryParse(input, out selectedOption) ||
Console.WriteLine("Invalid option. Please try again.");
return false;
return true;
private static void runTimeOption()
int miles;
double speed;
Console.WriteLine("You have chose to calculate Time. T = D/S.");
getUserInput("To work this out you need to firstly enter your distance in miles.", 0, int.MaxValue, out miles);
getUserInput("Now enter your Speed in MPH.", 0, double.MaxValue, out speed);
Console.WriteLine("Your Time is " + miles / speed + " hours.");
Console.WriteLine("This would be " + miles / speed * 60 + " minutes");
private static void runDistanceOption()
int speed;
double time;
Console.WriteLine("You have chose to calculate distance. D = SxT.");
getUserInput("To work this out you need to firstly enter your speed.", 0, int.MaxValue, out speed);
getUserInput("Now enter your time in hours.", 0, double.MaxValue, out time);
Console.WriteLine("Now enter your time in hours.");
Console.WriteLine("Your Distance is " + speed * time + " miles");
private static void runSpeedOption()
int distance, time;
Console.WriteLine("You have chose to calculate speed. S = D/T");
getUserInput("To work this out you need to firstly enter your distance in metres.", 0, int.MaxValue, out distance);
getUserInput("Now enter your time in seconds.", 0, int.MaxValue, out time);
Console.WriteLine("Your speed is " + distance / time + " m/s");
Console.WriteLine("In MPH this is " + distance / time * 2.23 + " MPH");
private static void getUserInput(string message, int lowerInclusiveBound, int upperExclusiveBound, out int value)
while (true)
var input = Console.ReadLine();
if (int.TryParse(input, out value) &&
value >= lowerInclusiveBound &&
value < upperExclusiveBound)
Console.WriteLine("Input is not a valid value. Please try again.");
private static void getUserInput(string message, double lowerInclusiveBound, double upperExclusiveBound, out double value)
while (true)
var input = Console.ReadLine();
if (double.TryParse(input, out value) &&
value >= lowerInclusiveBound &&
value < upperExclusiveBound)
Console.WriteLine("Input is not a valid value. Please try again.");