在datagrid视图中使用if statment

时间:2016-09-12 12:49:20

标签: visual-studio-2013

我想添加我想要添加列名称类继续数据作为单词或excel或访问或互联网或窗口通过condtion conditon ex:coulmn1“المجموةالنوعية”=وظائفكتابية和column2الوظيفة=كاتبشئونمعاهد和column3 word = yes和column4 excel = no和coulmn5 windows = yes和column6 access = no then center image description hereoulmn class = excel

name class它们将数据汇总为word或excel或access,或者是condtion conditon ex:coulmn1“المجموةالنوعية”=وظائفكتابيةand column2الوظيفة=كاتبشئونمعاهدand coulmn 3 word = yes and coulmn4 excel = no and coulmn5 windows = yes and coulmn6 access = no 然后 c enter image description here oulmn class = excel

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