
时间:2016-09-11 10:56:42

标签: javascript jquery html css twitter-bootstrap

我正在使用jQuery mash menu plugin,我的页面顶部有一个固定的菜单,但在响应时,我的固定菜单未设置为display:block本身。页面刷新后,它设置为display:block,但如果我删除插件的插件或HTML结构,一切正常。我想问题是mash菜单插件,但我必须使用这个插件。


我的固定菜单默认不显示,但如果我向下滚动到预订页面,则会自行设置display:block。 (只是响应< 768px)

编辑:不只是固定菜单 - 返回顶部菜单无法在移动设备上运行


       if (!$(".hotel-search-box").length) {
     return false; //Check if the element exist
  $(window).scroll(function() {
  if($(window).scrollTop() > $(".hotel-search-box").offset().top+$(".hotel-search-box").height()){


                separator                      : true,      //-- Options (true) or (false). This option is used to show the vertical line between menu list items
                ripple_effect                  : false,      //-- Options (true) or (false). This option is used to on - off the google ripple effect on menu items. Which is shown on mouse click
                search_bar_hide                : false,     //-- Options (true) or (false). This option is used to hide the search bar
                top_fixed                      : false,     //-- Options (true) or (false). This option is used to fixed the menu top of the screen. Note: If this option becomes true then the sticky_header option will not work
                full_width                     : false,     //-- Options (true) or (false). This option is used to make the menu full with
                right_to_left                  : false,     //-- Options (true) or (false). This option is used to align the menu items right to left side order
                trigger                        : 'hover',   //-- Options (click) or (hover). This option is used to showing the drop down on mouse click or mouse hover
                /* VERTICAL TABS */
                vertical_tabs_trigger          : 'click',   // Options (click) or (hover). This option is used to showing the vertical tabs on mouse click or mouse hover
                vertical_tabs_effect_speed     : 400,       // Value in milliseconds. This option is used to change the vertical tabs showing or hiding speed
                /* RESPONSIVE TABS */
                //responsive_tabs_effect_speed   : 200,       // Value in milliseconds. This option is used to change the responsive tabs showing or hiding speed
                /* DROP DOWN */
                drop_down_effect_in_speed      : 200,       // Value in milliseconds. This options is used to change the drop downs showing speed
                drop_down_effect_out_speed     : 200,       // Value in milliseconds. This option is used for change the drop downs hiding speed
                drop_down_effect_in_delay      : 200,       // Value in milliseconds. This option is used to change the drop downs showing delay speed. It means drop down shows after some time
                drop_down_effect_out_delay     : 200,       // Value in milliseconds. This option is used to change the drop downs hiding delay speed. It means drop down hides after some time
                outside_close_dropDown         : true,      // Options (true) or (false). This option is used to hide the showing drop downs when user click outside the menu
                /* STICKY HEADER */
                mobile_search_bar_hide         : false,     //-- Options (true) or (false). This option is used to hide the search bar on mobile mode
                mobile_sticky_header           : false,     //-- Options (true) or (false). This options is used to make the menu sticky on top of the screen on mobile mode
                mobile_sticky_header_height    : 100,       //-- Value in milliseconds. This option is used to change the sticky header animation effect speed on mobile mode
                /* MEDIA QUERY WIDTH */
                media_query_max_width          : 768       //-- This is media query max width in px unit. Which is Used for mobile screen. Don't change if you don't know about media query

click to demo address

编辑:如果您退出响应式广告(< 768px),您会看到如果向下滚动页面没有任何反应,但如果您刷新页面并向下滚动,则会看到它有效。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

只有在调整浏览器大小时才会出现问题。如果您打开< 768px中的页面,它可以正常工作。 onresize事件存在一些问题。