-n test.com
072A:0100 db 15
072A:0101 db 16
072A:0102 mov dx, 100
072A:0105 mov ah, 0A
072A:0107 int 21
072A:0109 int 20
-rcx 15
答案 0 :(得分:4)
您不希望将原始数据放在偏移量100处,因为DOS将从此地址开始执行。因此,从偏移量102开始的代码将无法正确执行,因为它将汇编为“ADC AX,BA16”指令,该指令从“mov dx,100”指令中窃取BA字节,其余指令将被误解释
如果您没有问题#1,第二个问题是输入字符将覆盖从偏移102开始的代码(因为缓冲区的前两个字节保留为100)。如果你可以让代码执行,这可能不是你想要的。 ;)
-n test2.com
0100: mov dx,100 ;100 is a placeholder for the address of output prompt
0103: mov ah,9
0105: int 21 ;output prompt
0107: mov dx,100 ;100 is a placeholder for the address of the input buffer
010A: mov ah,0a
010C: int 21 ;read user input
010E: int 20
0110: db 48 ;"H"
0111: db 65 ;"e"
0112: db 6c ;"l"
0113: db 6c ;"l"
0114: db 6f ;"o"
0115: db 3a ;":"
0116: db 20 ;<space>
0117: db 24 ;"$" / DOS strings terminated by dollar sign
0118: db 0f ;buffer member: hold 15 chars
0119: db 00 ;buffer member: character input count stored here
;the remainder of the .COM memory segment can be used to store the data
; starting at address 11A
;now that we know where our data fits, lets plug the addresses in
-a 100
0100: mov dx,110 ;address of "H" in prompt string
-a 107
0100: mov dx,118 ;address of input buffer with first two bytes reserved (see above)
;max length to read and characters read
CX 0000
Writing 001A bytes
;lets run the program
Hello: <lets assume you type "cat" followed by RETURN>
Program terminated normally
;now look at the 2nd byte in the buffer for the number of characters typed
; along with the character data entered
-d 118 11e
0110 0F 03 63 61 74 0D 0D ..cat..
一旦定义了最大输入字符成员,我认为你不必担心为缓冲区保留空间;由于缓冲区位于程序的末尾,因此您可以访问64k段的剩余部分作为缓冲区空间。 (64k减去0x11b字节的代码和环境空间)。
0100 MOV DX,0140
0103 MOV AH,09
0105 INT 21 ;output prompt
0107 MOV DX,014B
010A MOV AH,0A
010C INT 21 ;read user input
010E MOV DX,0148
0111 MOV AH,09
0113 INT 21 ;output CRLF
0115 MOV DI,[014C] ;load DI with value of characters read
0119 AND DI,00FF ; MOV above read WORD, but we only want lower byte
011D LEA DI,[DI+014D] ;point DI to end of input string
0121 MOV AL,24 ;load DOS terminator char "$" in AL
0123 STOSB ;write it to end input string
0124 MOV DX,014D
0127 MOV AH,09
0129 INT 21 ;print the input string
012B INT 20 ;exit program
;I inserted NOPS until address 0140 so I would have room to insert code without my
; data offsets changing
0140 DB 48 ;"Hello: $" prompt begin
0141 DB 65
0142 DB 6C
0143 DB 6C
0144 DB 6F
0145 DB 3A
0146 DB 20
0147 DB 24
0148 DB 0D ;CRLF$ sequence begin
0149 DB 0A
014A DB 24
014B DB 20 ;Buffer begin (32 bytes max length)
014C DB 00