你要前往法国。你需要将美元兑换成欧元( 欧盟货币)。有两个货币兑换摊位。每个人都有 显示CR的显示:他们的转换率为每美元欧元和他们的费用 百分比。这笔费用是在你转换资金之前收取的。哪个展位会给 你最贵的欧元,多少欧元,差价是多少。 例1: 美元:200 CR1:0.78 费用:1(金额152.88欧元) CR2:0.80 费用:3(金额155.2欧元) 答案:2是最好的;差价是2.32欧元; 155.2欧元
from __future__ import division
usd = int(input("How much in USD? "))
cr1 = int(input("What is the convertion rate of the first one? "))
fee1 = int(input("What is the fee of the first one? "))
cr2 = int(input("What is the convertion rate of the second one? "))
fee2 = int(input("What is the fee of the second one? "))
def convertion (usd, cr, fee):
usdwfee = usd - fee
convert = usdwfee * cr
return convert
first = convertion(usd, cr1, fee1)
second = convertion(usd, cr2, fee2)
fs = first - second
sf = second - first
def ifstatements (first,second,fs,sf):
if first < second:
print "1 is the best; difference is ",fs," euroes. 2 converts to ",first," euroes."
elif first > second:
print "2 is the best; difference is",sf," euroes. 2 converts to", second," euroes."
ifstatements(first, second, fs, sf)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
usd = float(input("How much in USD? "))
cr1 = float(input("What is the convertion rate of the first one? "))
fee1 = float(input("What is the fee of the first one? "))
cr2 = float(input("What is the convertion rate of the second one? "))
fee2 = float(input("What is the fee of the second one? "))