
var myApp = new Framework7();
var $$ = Dom7;
// Loading flag
var loading = false;
// Last loaded index
var lastIndex = $$('.list-block li').length;
// Max items to load
var maxItems = 60;
// Append items per load
var itemsPerLoad = 20;
// Attach 'infinite' event handler
$$('.infinite-scroll').on('infinite', function() {
// Exit, if loading in progress
if (loading) return;
// Set loading flag
loading = true;
// Emulate 1s loading
setTimeout(function() {
// Reset loading flag
loading = false;
if (lastIndex >= maxItems) {
// Nothing more to load, detach infinite scroll events to prevent unnecessary loadings
// Remove preloader
// Generate new items HTML
var html = '';
for (var i = lastIndex + 1; i <= lastIndex + itemsPerLoad; i++) {
html += '<li class="item-content"><div class="item-inner"><div class="item-title">Item ' + i + '</div></div></li>';
// Append new items
$$('.list-block ul').append(html);
// Update last loaded index
lastIndex = $$('.list-block li').length;
}, 1000);