绑定通用方法委托时出错 - 签名或安全透明度

时间:2016-09-07 20:58:56

标签: c# generics reflection delegates func



无法绑定到目标方法,因为它的签名或安全性   透明度与委托类型的透明度不兼容。




public List<T> GetConnections<T>(IElement element, bool getChildren, bool getParents) where T : IConnectionTable, new()
    // do some database stuff and return a List<T> where the constraints on
    // T follow the method description above.



private Func<IElement, bool, bool, List<IConnectionTable>> GetConnectionsDelegate(string connectionType)
    // Get the type element from the passed string.
    Type elementType = Type.GetType(connectionType, true);

    // Create the generic method using that type.
    MethodInfo method = typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("GetConnections", new Type[]{ typeof(IElement), typeof(bool), typeof(bool) });
    MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(elementType);

    // Create a delegate of the method to speed up subsequent queries.
    var converted = (Func<IElement, bool, bool, List<IConnectionTable>>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<IElement, bool, bool, List<IConnectionTable>>), this, generic);

    // the above line is where it dies



Result StandardOutput:  

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] GetConnections[T](MyProject.Database.IElement, Boolean, Boolean)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyTestProject.TestConnection] GetConnections[TestConnection](MyProject.Database.IElement, Boolean, Boolean)

我的假设是问题在于通用List与IConnectionTable List返回类型之间的区别,但是使方法返回非泛型列表会导致泛型方法中出现大量的强制转换错误,这样做有点不对无论如何。此外,该代码在测试时运行良好。

它不应该是私有方法和公共方法之间的区别,因为我的其他委托创建方法是相同的并且工作正常(我也尝试将 GetConnectionsDelegate 更改为公共和没有区别。)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



var converted = (Func<IElement, bool, bool, IEnumerable<IConnectionTable>>)
    Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeo‌​f(Func<IElement, bool, bool, IEnumerable<IConnectionTable>>), new MyClass(), generic);



void Main()
    var key = typeof(ConnectionTypeOne).FullName;
    Func<IElement, bool, bool, IEnumerable<IConnectionTable>> expr = 
        _cache.ContainsKey(key) ? _cache[key]
        : CreateConnectionExpression<ConnectionTypeOne>(key);

    expr(new Element(), true, true);

private static IDictionary<string, Func<IElement, bool, bool, IEnumerable<IConnectionTable>>> _cache = 
    new Dictionary<string, Func<IElement, bool, bool, IEnumerable<IConnectionTable>>>();

private Func<IElement, bool, bool, IEnumerable<IConnectionTable>> CreateConnectionExpression<T>(string connectionType)
    where T : IConnectionTable
    // Get the type element from the passed string.
    Type elementType = Type.GetType(connectionType, true);

    // Create the generic method using that type.
    MethodInfo method = typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("GetConnections", new Type[] { typeof(IElement), typeof(bool), typeof(bool) });
    MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(elementType);

    var instance = Expression.Constant(new MyClass());
    var c1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IElement));
    var c2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool));
    var c3 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool));

    var expr = Expression.Call(instance, generic, c1, c2, c3);
    Func<IElement, bool, bool, IEnumerable<IConnectionTable>> compiledExpr =
        (Func<IElement, bool, bool, IEnumerable<IConnectionTable>>)
            Expression.Lambda(expr, c1, c2, c3).Compile();

    _cache[connectionType] = compiledExpr;

    return compiledExpr;

public class MyClass 
    public List<T> GetConnections<T>(IElement element, bool getChildren, bool getParents) 
        where T : IConnectionTable, new()
        Console.WriteLine("we got called");
        return new List<T>();

public interface IElement { }
public interface IConnectionTable { }

public class Element : IElement { }
public class ConnectionTypeOne : IConnectionTable { }