<caption id="cpsm_commands">CPSM (Module 0) - Command palette</caption>
<tr><th>Command <th>Abbreviation <th>Description
<tr><td>0x01 <td>SEND_CMD_MMC_NORESP <td>Send a command to the eMMC that doesn't expect any response.
<tr><td>0x02 <td>SEND_CMD_MMC_RESP <td>Send a command to the eMMC that expects a standard response (6 bytes).
<tr><td>0x03 <td>SEND_CMD_MMC_RESP_EXT <td>Send a command to the eMMC that expects an extended response (17 bytes).
<tr><td>0x04 <td>FETCH_RESP <td>Retrieve a response that has been previously buffered and transmit it through SPI.
<tr><td>0x05 <td>FETCH_RESP_EXT <td>Retrieve an extended response that has been previously buffered and transmit it through SPI.
<tr><td>0x1E <td>GET_STATUS <td>Get current status of the CPSM (see \ref status_register).
<tr><td>0x1F <td>CANCEL_WAITING <td>If the CPSM is waiting for a response, this command allows the state machine to go back to IDLE.
如何更广泛地引用它? \ref cpsm_commands
我已尝试过\ref cpsm_commands [some text]