
时间:2016-09-07 11:35:52

标签: vb.net collections



Dim MyFourm As new Fourm
MyFourm.Thread.Add(545)''for ex 545 mean Thread ID.


线程应该是整数的集合(=线程ID) 帖子应该是帖子类型的集合


Public Class Fourm
'Thread should be inside this class and do some background code
End Class

Public Class Post
Public Property Username as string
Public Property PostContent as string
End Class


我在一个例子中选择了论坛,但它可能是其他任何东西.. 如果我不清楚,请帮助我..这不是我的母语(但不要担心 - 我可以阅读。;))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在我正确的项目中使用Dictionary。我只是想探索更多.. 无论如何,我尝试了你所说的“你必须使用Thread的集合,其中每个Thread实例都有Post的集合” 这就是结果:

Public Class MainFrm
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim MyForum As New Forum
        MyForum.Thread.Add(500)' some id's

        MyForum.Thread(0).Posts.Add(New ForumPost() With {.PostContent = "Therad ID: 500 | Post: 1#", .Username = "Don"})
        MyForum.Thread(0).Posts.Add(New ForumPost() With {.PostContent = "Therad ID: 500 | Post: 2#", .Username = "Shon"})
        MyForum.Thread(0).Posts.Add(New ForumPost() With {.PostContent = "Therad ID: 500 | Post: 3#", .Username = "Ron"})

        MyForum.Thread(1).Posts.Add(New ForumPost() With {.PostContent = "Therad ID: 120 | Post 1#", .Username = "Emi"})

        For iThread = 0 To MyForum.Thread.Count - 1
            For iPost = 0 To MyForum.Thread(iThread).Posts.Count - 1
                Static Pst As New ForumPost
                Pst = MyForum.Thread(iThread).Posts(iPost)
                Console.WriteLine($"Content:{Pst.PostContent}, Username who post it:{Pst.Username}")
    End Sub
End Class
Public Class Forum
    Public Property Thread As New ThreadCollection

End Class

Public Class ForumThread
    Inherits List(Of Integer)
    Public Property Posts As New PostCollection
    Sub New(id As Integer)

    End Sub
End Class

Public Class ThreadCollection
    Inherits List(Of ForumThread)
    Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal id As Integer)
        MyBase.Add(New ForumThread(id))
    End Sub

End Class

Public Class ForumPost
    Public Property Username As String
    Public Property PostContent As String
End Class

Public Class PostCollection
    Inherits List(Of ForumPost)
End Class

 '   Content:Therad ID: 500 | Post: 1#, Username who post it:Don
 '  Content:Therad ID: 500 | Post: 2#, Username who post it:Shon
 '  Content:Therad ID: 500 | Post: 3#, Username who post it:Ron
 '   Content:Therad ID: 120 | Post 1#, Username who post it:Emi
