
时间:2016-09-07 07:56:18

标签: vagrant virtualbox

我在fedora 24中安装了vagrant 1.8.1,这个版本不支持virtuvalbox 5.1,系统抛出这个错误:

    No usable default provider could be found for your system.

    Vagrant relies on interactions with 3rd party systems, known as
    "providers", to provide Vagrant with resources to run development
    environments. Examples are VirtualBox, VMware, Hyper-V.

    The easiest solution to this message is to install VirtualBox, which
    is available for free on all major platforms.

    If you believe you already have a provider available, make sure it
    is properly installed and configured. You can see more details about
    why a particular provider isn't working by forcing usage with
    `vagrant up --provider=PROVIDER`, which should give you a more specific
    error message for that particular provider.

我喜欢流浪汉1.8.5支持虚拟盒子5.1。所以我需要将vagrant 1.8.1更新为vagrant 1.8.5(不下载Here

建议我如何在fedora 24中这样做。

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如果您尝试在Fedora上使用Vagrant(dnf install vagrant)并在尝试使用它时发出此错误消息(No usable default provider could be found),请尝试在~/.bashrc中设置:


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