在JSF2项目中混合使用JSP和XHTML(Facelets) - 可能吗?

时间:2010-10-14 18:00:45

标签: jsp jsf jsf-2 facelets






3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)

FacesServlet上的Facelets FAQ:使用前缀映射中对此进行了解答。然后,您可以按http://example.com/faces/page.jsp访问JSP页面,按http://example.com/faces/page.xhtml访问Facelets页面。这是一个相关的引用:


How do I use Facelets and JSP in the same application?




    <!-- Facelets pages will use the .xhtml extension -->

        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

    <!-- Use prefix mapping for Facelets pages, e.g. http://localhost:8080/webapp/faces/mypage.xhtml -->
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

答案 1 :(得分:3)

BalusC引用的wiki部分似乎确实已经过时了。在我的扩展映射(* .faces)设置中,我遇到问题,建议javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX设置为.jsp,在* .xhtml页面的表单标记内生成操作URL,而不是a。扩展名.jsp。面部扩展(因此无法映射)。

在我进入Apache MyFaces 2.x实现的相应类之后(参见 org.apache.myfaces.shared.application.DefaultViewHandlerSupport.calculateActionURL(FacesContext context,String viewId))以下内容安装结果在我们并行使用JSP和Facelets视图处理方面起作用。


除了前缀映射之外,您还可以使用Facelets页面的扩展映射(例如* .faces)来实现此功能。保留DEFAULT_SUFFIX,JSF默认值为.jsp .xhtml。配置Facelet的VIEW_MAPPINGS参数:

        <param-value>.jsp .xhtml</param-value>

    <!-- Facelets pages will use the .xhtml extension -->

        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

    <!-- use extension mapping in this sample -->
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

对于那些对org.apache.myfaces.shared.application.DefaultViewHandlerSupport.calculateActionURL(FacesContext context,String viewId)中的动作网址处理细节感兴趣的人:

        if ( mapping.isExtensionMapping() ) {
            // See JSF 2.0 section 7.5.2
            String[] contextSuffixes = _initialized ? _contextSuffixes : getContextSuffix( context );
            boolean founded = false;
            for ( String contextSuffix : contextSuffixes ) {
                if ( viewId.endsWith( contextSuffix ) ) {
                    builder.append( viewId.substring( 0, viewId.indexOf( contextSuffix ) ) );
                    builder.append( mapping.getExtension() );
                    founded = true;
            if ( !founded ) {
                // See JSF 2.0 section 7.5.2
                // - If the argument viewId has an extension, and this extension is mapping,
                // the result is contextPath + viewId
                // -= Leonardo Uribe =- It is evident that when the page is generated, the
                // derived
                // viewId will end with the
                // right contextSuffix, and a navigation entry on faces-config.xml should use
                // such id,
                // this is just a workaroud
                // for usability. There is a potential risk that change the mapping in a webapp
                // make
                // the same application fail,
                // so use viewIds ending with mapping extensions is not a good practice.
                if ( viewId.endsWith( mapping.getExtension() ) ) {
                    builder.append( viewId );
                } else if ( viewId.lastIndexOf( "." ) != -1 ) {
                    builder.append( viewId.substring( 0, viewId.lastIndexOf( "." ) ) );
                    builder.append( contextSuffixes[0] );
                } else {
                    builder.append( viewId );
                    builder.append( contextSuffixes[0] );
        } else {
            builder.append( mapping.getPrefix() );
            builder.append( viewId );

答案 2 :(得分:1)


  <!-- Facelets pages will use the .xhtml extension -->

