productkey| PurchaseID| ActivityType| Into_WHKey| From_WHKey| PurchaseDate| volumeLBs| TRSFRed_Lbs| How TRSFRed_Lbs should be found
123| 001| PO| AB| | 1/6/2016| 21,000| 16,000| (Found by summing the volumeLBs of future PurchaseIDs whose ActivityType = TRSFR and From_Whkey = the Into_WHKey of this PurchaseID and stopping the calculation when there is another 'PO' ActivityType for the same Into_WHKey... the extro 1,000 comes from a TRSFR that was applied to a later PO but had leftover volume)
123| 002| TRSFR| CD| AB| 1/8/2016| 5,000| 4,000| (Found by summing the volumeLBs of future PurchaseIDs whose ActivityType = TRSFR and From_Whkey = the Into_WHKey of this PurchaseID and stopping the calculation when there is another 'PO' ActivityType for the same Into_WHKey)
123| 003| TRSFR| EF| CD| 1/14/2016| 4,000| - | ("0" Since there are no future PurcahseIDs whose ActivityType = TRSFR and From_WhKey = the Into_WHKey of this PurcahseID
123| 004| TRSFR| CD| AB| 1/15/2016| 10,000| 7,000|
123| 005| PO| AB| | 3/6/2016| 14,000| 14,000| (Limited to 14,000 because that is all that is available from this PurchaseID, the extro 1,000 will be applied to an earlier PO)
123| 006| TRSFR| CD| AB| 3/16/2016| 15,000| - | (14,000 applied to PO dated 3/6/2016, 1,000 applied to PO dated 1/6/2016)
123| 007| TRSFR| GH| CD| 5/26/2016| 7,000| - |
exec spDropTable '#ApplyTRSFRs'
,case when a.activitytype = 'PO' then lead(a.volumeLBs,1,0) Over (Partition By (a.productkey) Order by a.purchaseorderdate)
when a.activitytype = 'TRSFR' then lead(a.volumeLBs,1,0) Over (Partition By (a.productkey) Order by a.purchaseorderdate)
else '0'
end as TRSFRed_Lbs
into #ApplyTRSFRs
from #AllData a