for(var i=0;i<arrayleng.length;i++){
var oneScript = spawnSync('python',["/home/demo/mypython.py",arrayleng[i].path]);
fs.readFile('/home/demo/' + arrayleng[i].filename + '.json','utf8',function(err,data){
我希望spawn child只能同步,因为我的python脚本会返回一些文件,每次执行python脚本后都必须读取。但现在它在完成python的执行后会读取一次。并立即在控制台上打印它。而不是每次执行python脚本后打印。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
var fs = require('fs')
var checkThese = ['/Users/jmunsch/Desktop/code_scraps/1.json', '/Users/jmunsch/Desktop/code_scraps/2.json']
// Both of these will log first
console.log(`run first: ${checkThisPath}`)
var data = fs.readFileSync(checkThisPath, 'utf8')
var theJson = data
console.log(`run first: ${theJson}`)
// it might make sense that this would execute next
// but it doesn't
fs.readFile(checkThisPath, 'utf8', function(err, data){
// this callback executes later
console.log(`run second: ${checkThisPath}`)
console.log(`run second: ${data}`)
import os
import sys
for x in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]):
var child_process = require('child_process');
var spawnSync = child_process.spawnSync
var checkThese = ['/Users', '/Users/jmunsch']
for (var i=0; i < checkThese.length;i++){
var checkThisPath = checkThese[i]
console.log(`Checking: ${checkThisPath}`)
var oneScript = spawnSync('python',["listdir.py", checkThisPath]);
if (buffer){
// convert to string
var x = buffer.toString('utf8')
console.log(`typeof x: ${typeof x}`)
// split by new line character
var y = x.split('\n')
console.log(`typeof y: ${typeof y}`)
// turn it into an array
var z = Array.prototype.slice.call(y)
// iterate each line in the array
console.log(`One python print(): ${pythonOutput}`)
Checking: /Users
typeof x: string
typeof y: object
One python print(): .localized
One python print(): administrator
One python print(): casperadministrator
One python print(): jmunsch
One python print(): Shared
One python print():
typeof x: string
typeof y: object
One python print():
Checking: /Users/jmunsch
typeof x: string
typeof y: object
One python print(): .account
One python print(): .ansible
One python print(): .bash_sessions
One python print(): .cache
One python print(): .CFUserTextEncoding
One python print(): .config
One python print(): .cups
One python print(): .DS_Store
One python print(): .eclipse
One python print(): .gitconfig
One python print(): .ipython
One python print(): .lesshst
One python print(): .lldb
One python print(): .local
One python print(): .m2
One python print(): .netrc
One python print(): .node-gyp
One python print(): .node_repl_history
One python print(): .npm
One python print(): .nvm
One python print(): .oh-my-zsh
One python print(): .oracle_jre_usage
One python print(): .p2
One python print(): .profile
One python print(): .putty
One python print(): .python-eggs
One python print(): .rediscli_history
One python print(): .RSA
One python print(): .sh_history
One python print(): .ssh
One python print(): .swift
One python print(): .tooling
One python print(): .Trash
One python print(): .vagrant.d
One python print(): .viminfo
One python print(): .wget-hsts
One python print(): .zcompdump-LM-SFA-11003286-5.0.8
One python print(): .zsh-update
One python print(): .zsh_history
One python print(): .zshrc
One python print(): Applications
One python print(): Desktop
One python print(): Documents
One python print(): Downloads
One python print(): eclipse
One python print(): git
One python print(): Library
One python print(): Movies
One python print(): Music
One python print(): Pictures
One python print(): Public
One python print(): synced
One python print(): THEBIGPIN
One python print(): VirtualBox VMs
One python print():
typeof x: string
typeof y: object
One python print():