Why does pattern match on case object fail when using -Xfuture

时间:2016-09-02 16:33:43

标签: scala

The following code compiles fine without -Xfuture:

package sandbox

trait M

case object Obj extends M {
  def run: Unit = println("RUNNING")

object Sandbox extends App {
  (Obj: M) match {
    case x @ Obj => x.run

But fails with it:

error: value run is not a member of sandbox.M
  case x @ Obj => x.run

Why is it assuming x to be of type M and not Obj.type?

By the way, it appears to compile fine with a case class.

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scala> trait M
defined trait M

scala> trait X { def x: Int = 42 }
defined trait X

scala> case object O extends X with M
defined object O

scala> (O: M) match { case x @ O => x.x }
res0: Int = 42

scala> :replay -Xfuture
Replaying: trait M
defined trait M

Replaying: trait X { def x: Int = 42 }
defined trait X

Replaying: case object O extends X with M
defined object O

Replaying: (O: M) match { case x @ O => x.x }
<console>:14: error: value x is not a member of M
       (O: M) match { case x @ O => x.x }

scala> (O: M) match { case x: O.type => x.x }
res1: Int = 42


scala> (O: M) match { case x @ O => x.x }
<console>:14: warning: The value matched by O is bound to x, which may be used under the
unsound assumption that it has type O.type, whereas we can only safely
count on it having type M, as the pattern is matched using `==` (see SI-1503).
       (O: M) match { case x @ O => x.x }
res0: Int = 42