
时间:2016-09-02 14:03:23

标签: ios node.js sockets


<script src="<?= base_url('assets/js/') ?>"></script>
    var socket;
    socket = io('http://***.***.***.***:3030', {query: "key=key"});

    socket.on('connect', function (data) {
        console.log('Client side successfully connected with APP.');

    socket.on('error', function (err) {
        console.log('Error: ' + err);


var app = require("express")();
var http = require("http").createServer(app);
var io = require("")(http);

http.listen(3030, function () {
    globals.debug('Server is running on port: 3030', 'success');

io.set('authorization', function (handshakeData, accept) {
    var domain = handshakeData.headers.referer.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').split(/[/?#]/)[0];

    if ('www.****.com' == domain) {
        globals.debug('New user connected', 'warning');
    } else {
        globals.debug('Bad site authentication data, chat will be disabled.', 'danger');
        return accept('Bad site authentication data, chat will be disabled.', false);

io.use(function (sock, next) {
    var handshakeData = sock.request;
    var userToken = handshakeData._query.key;

    console.log('The user ' + + ' has connected');
    next(null, true);

当有人来到网站时,我希望在控制台输出中看到“新用户已连接”并且我看到它:screen shot并且用户应该在浏览器控制台输出上看到:“客户端成功连接到APP“。但我没有表现出来。此外,我尝试向用户发送数据,但它也不起作用。我看不出任何错误或其他什么。这不是我第一次使用套接字,而是第一次遇到问题。也许有任何错误报告方法来处理错误或什么?此外,我无法在io.use(....)方法


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


io.set('authorization',function(handshakeData,accept){     var domain = handshakeData.headers.referer.replace('http://','')。replace('https://','')。split(/ [/?#] /)[0]; < / p>

if ('www.****.com' == domain) {
    globals.debug('New user connected', 'warning');
    accept(null, true);
} else {
    globals.debug('Bad site authentication data, chat will be disabled.', 'danger');
    return accept('Bad site authentication data, chat will be disabled.', false);
