
时间:2016-08-31 19:00:09

标签: python ajax session flask




不幸的是,在实践中,这似乎不起作用 - 至少在检查redis密钥的ttl以获得剩余时间时。我查了一下,session.modified是假的,所以不仅仅是我在修改会话的请求中做了一些事情(除非它没有设置该标志)

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#set up the session

# Save a reference to the original save_session function so we can call it
original_save_session = app.session_interface.save_session

def discretionary_save_session(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """A wrapper for the save_session function of the app session interface to
    allow the option of not saving the session when calling specific functions,
    for example if the client needs to get information about the session
    (say, expiration time) without changing the session."""

    # bypass: list of functions on which we do NOT want to update the session when called
    # This could be put in the config or the like
    # Improvement idea: "mark" functions on which we want to bypass saving in
    # some way, then check for that mark here, rather than having a hard-coded list.
    bypass = ['check_timeout']

    #convert function names to URL's
    bypass = [flask.url_for(x) for x in bypass]

    if not flask.request.path in bypass:
        # if the current request path isn't in our bypass list, go ahead and
        # save the session normally
        return original_save_session(self, *args, **kwargs)

# Override the save_session function to ours
app.session_interface.save_session = discretionary_save_session


def check_timeout():
    session_id = flask.session.sid

    # Or however you want to get a redis instance
    redis = app.config.get('REDIS_MASTER')

    # If used
    session_prefix = app.config.get('SESSION_KEY_PREFIX')

    #combine prefix and session id to get the session key stored in redis
    redis_key = "{}{}".format(session_prefix, session_id)

    # The redis ttl is the time remaining before the session expires
    time_remain = redis.ttl(redis_key)

    return str(time_remain)
