Real time get all the items of a user from their shopping cart in Solr

时间:2016-08-31 18:50:27

标签: solr solrj

I have a Solr shopping cart collection.

How to resolve the problem that a user adds a few items into the shopping cart and immediately view the cart to check all the items ? Right now I have to softcommit it every time an item added into the cart but that would be too many softcommits with multiple users adding items at the same time. A short softcommit timer in the config only would not work because the user may click on the cart button right after adding items, and not seeing that newly added.

What is the common way to resolve this problem with Solr ? For a few other similar situations I could use the real-time get to get around it but for a shopping cart, a user really wants to see all their items in it.


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