I have a pdf element that I am returning as a string base64 element since it is an MVC Web Application and the files live on a server. I am currently using PDFObject and pdf.js to try and view this PDF in the browser. However, I seem unable to display the PDF, unless I pass a url, which won't work when I put this application in IIS on a server.
So is there a way to have my embedded pdf with the src="{my base 64 string}, and then wrap the PDFObject around that? If not, is there a way, via PDFObject, to use a base64 string instead of a url?
Also, this is in IE 11
UPDATE Here is my controller
public ActionResult GetPDFString(string instrumentType, string booktype, string book, string startpage, string EndPage)
LRS_Settings settings = ctxLRS.LRS_Settings.FirstOrDefault();
string root = settings.ImagePathRoot;
string state = settings.State;
string county = settings.County;
g_filePath = @"\\\Imaging\GA\075\Daily\" + instrumentType + "\\" + book + "\\";
//g_filePath = @"\\\sup_court\Imaging\GA\075\Daily\" + instrumentType + "\\" + book + "\\";
byte[] file = imgConv.ConvertTifToPDF(g_filePath, booktype, book, startpage, EndPage);
var ms = new MemoryStream(file);
var fsResult = new FileStreamResult(ms, "application/pdfContent");
return fsResult;
//return imgConv.ConvertTifToPDF(g_filePath, booktype, book, startpage, EndPage);
Here is my jquery
var options = {
pdfOpenParams: {
navpanes: 1,
toolbar: 0,
statusbar: 0,
pagemode: 'none',
pagemode: "none",
page: 1,
zoom: "page-width",
enableHandToolOnLoad: true
forcePDFJS: true,
PDFJS_URL: "/PDF.js/web/viewer.html"
PDFObject.embed("@Url.Action("GetPDFString", "DocumentView", new { instrumentType = ViewBag.instrumentType, BookType = Model.BookType, Book = ViewBag.Book, StartPage = ViewBag.StartPage, EndPage = ViewBag.endPage, style = "height:100%; width100%;" })", "#PDFViewer", options);
The problem is now, instead of showing the PDF inside of #PDFViewer, it is trying to download the file. Could someone please assist me on the final piece to the puzzle. This is driving me crazy.
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您是否曾尝试仅使用标准html来执行此操作? 控制器动作
public ActionResult GetAttachment(string instrumentType, string booktype, string book, string startpage, string EndPage)
var fileStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/Content/files/sample.pdf"),
var fsResult = new FileStreamResult(fileStream, "application/pdf");
return fsResult;
<div id="PDFViewer">
<embed src="@Url.Action("GetAttachment", "DocumentView", new { instrumentType = ViewBag.instrumentType, BookType = Model.BookType, Book = ViewBag.Book, StartPage = ViewBag.StartPage, EndPage = ViewBag.endPage })" width="100%" height="100%" type="application/pdf"></embed>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
请务必将内容处置标头设置为{2 1 0 5 3 4 6 7} source-based form.
{2 1 0 4 5 3 6 7} destination-based equivalent
请参阅Content-Disposition:What are the differences between "inline" and "attachment"?
就PDFObject与纯HTML而言,为了排除故障,我总是建议尝试使用静态标记(无JS)来显示相同的PDF。如果它在那里工作,问题可能在于PDFObject(在这种情况下,PDFObject&#39;对Base64字符串的处理)。如果通过纯标记未正确呈现PDF,则问题可能在于您的文件/ Base64。