unable to decrypt from spring config server / cleint

时间:2016-08-31 18:28:38

标签: encryption spring-boot spring-cloud-config

I am trying to encrypt and decrypt config properties using Spring config server and client. I have spring boot applications (server and client), using server I have encrypted password property and at client I am trying to decrypt it using same key but getting error. I am trying to enable the config server client to decrypt these properties initially encrypted by config server. Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Install Full-strength JCE and replace 2 policy files in JRE lib/security

  2. generate a key using keytool

    keytool -genkeypair -alias config-server-key -keyalg RSA \
    -keysize 4096 -sigalg SHA512withRSA -dname "CN=*.domain.com,OU=EUS,O=eusdom,L=City,S=WA,C=US" \
    -keypass keyPass -keystore config-server.jks -storepass keys3crt
  3. Added cloud security dependency to the pom file (added these in both config server and client pom )

  4. Added the encryption related configurations (the same values used by config server and client) to the bootstrap.yml also tried with application.yml

        location: file:///D:/encrypt-server/config-server.jks
        password: keyPass
        alias: config-server-key
        secret: keys3crt
  5. My config server bootstrap looks like this

        name: config-service
                    uri: https://github.com/<>/spring-config-repo
                    enabled: false
      port: 8888
  6. Encrypt the passWord property using config server

    curl -X POST --data-urlencode d3v3L \  http://localhost:8888/encrypt
  7. Try to decrypt the property using config server

    curl  http://localhost:8888/decrypt  -d <encryptedVale>

I am getting below error

    {"timestamp":1472667297292,"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","exception":"java.lang.IllegalStateException","message":"Cannot decrypt","path":"/decrypt"}
  1. I try to print the encrypted property using config client (note : I have added the depenencies and encrypt key details as per 3,4)

    public class Greeter {
    String hostnames;
    String userName;
    String passWord;
    @RequestMapping(value = "/", produces = "application/json")
    public List<String> index(){
        List<String> env = Arrays.asList(
            "userName is: " + userName,
            "passWord is: " + passWord,
    return env;


  2. I am getting java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot decrypt: key=cassandra.password error

  3. Note: I tried to decrypt in config server with out

      enabled: false

    Please let me know if i am missing anything here. Appreciate any help.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您用来启用非对称加密的引导程序配置不再默认启用。如果您的项目需要它,可以通过属性或新的启动器重新启用它。 可以找到指南[这里] [1]:https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-release/wiki/Spring-Cloud-2020.0-Release-Notes#breaking-changes

要在高于 2.3.x 的 spring boot 版本中启用 bootstrap,我们需要添加 #SpringCloud 引入的新启动器依赖项。
