Bitbucket merge recognizes branch changes in one direction but not in the other direction

时间:2016-08-31 18:28:30

标签: git merge bitbucket

I am working with two branches in git, named 'develop' and 'feature'. Feature is my own working branch and develop is used by the whole group. I initially cloned develop into a local repository and created the feature branch from develop:

git checkout -b feature

I made multiple edits to the feature branch, including making new files, and pushed the branch the the remote repository:

git push origin HEAD

The develop branch has undergone multiple changes by other group members since I first cloned it.

I am now trying to merge my feature branch in Bitbucket with the group develop branch. When I try to create a pull request, I get a message under the diff tab stating 'There are no changes'. Under the commit tab, I get 'no commits found'.

If I attempt to merge the develop branch into the feature branch, however, many changes and a detailed commit history are reported. Bitbucket flags all the changes I have made in the feature branch for deletion.

I have tried creating a new branch in the local repository from the develop branch, and merging my changes into this branch:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout -b new_branch 
git merge feature

I get the message 'Already up-to-date.' and none of my changes are merged.

Can anyone suggest why my branches are failing to merge?

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