Symfony3 Variable does not exist in including template

时间:2016-08-31 18:09:04

标签: php twig symfony

I get the following error: Variable "file" does not exist.

The included template Contractor:file.html.twig looks like this:

{{ dump(file) }}

The main template form.html.twig looks like this:

{% extends '::base.html.twig' %}
{% form_theme form 'NaSoftEdmBundle:Form:fields.html.twig' %}


{% block files %}
  {% for file in form.files %}
     {{ include('NaSoftEdmBundle:Contractor:file.html.twig', {'file': file}) }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}


public function editAction(Request $request, Contractor $contractor)
    return $this->render('NaSoftEdmBundle:Contractor:form.html.twig', array(
        'form' => $form->createView(),

But when I try to display a variable inside the main template file (form.html.twig), the variable becomes available:

{% for file in form.files %}
   {{ dump(file) }} {# it work! #}
{% endfor %}

ContractorFile {#499 ▼
 -id: 154
 -uploadedFile: null
 -name: "57c6d217d9a92.jpg"
 -origName: "1471590585502.jpg"
 -path: "/contractor/docs/files/2/335"
 -size: 153536
 -mimeType: "image/jpeg"
 -updateDate: DateTime {#496 ▶}
 -contractor: Contractor {#370 ▶}

command php app/console cache:clear did not help

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

The correct way to pass variables to a Twig include command is this:

{% include 'NaSoftEdmBundle:Contractor:file.html.twig' with {'file': file} %}

As @walther pointed out in comments, it is not actually required to pass variables since an included template get access to variables of the active context, i.e. you can simply write:

{% include 'NaSoftEdmBundle:Contractor:file.html.twig' %}

and the file variable will be used.

You still have to use the with syntax if you want to assign a new variable, e.g.

{% include 'NaSoftEdmBundle:Contractor:files.html.twig' with {'files': form.files} %}


答案 1 :(得分:0)

问题是我在开始循环之前“for”包含了属性 data-prototype 的相同模板:

data-prototype="{% filter escape %} 
     {% include 'NaSoftEdmBundle: Contractor: file.html.twig' with { '_form':form.files.vars.prototype} %}
{% endfilter %}"


data-prototype="{% filter escape %} 
     {% include 'NaSoftEdmBundle: Contractor: filePrototype.html.twig' with { 'file':_form.files.vars.prototype} %}
{% endfilter %}"
