Programmatically creating jenkins pipeline jobs with xml

时间:2016-08-31 17:47:01

标签: xml jenkins groovy jenkins-plugins jenkins-pipeline

I have a pipeline job xml that I am using to create other similar pipeline job using a shell job. (I've done this before with before 2.0 and they worked).

I have a pipleine config:

<flow-definition plugin="workflow-job@2.4">
    <com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github.GithubProjectProperty plugin="github@1.20.0">
    < plugin="ownership@0.8"/>
    <com.suryagaddipati.jenkins.SlaveUtilizationProperty plugin="slave-utilization-plugin@1.8">
                    <p><b>These should match the folders within your root of workspace.</b></p>
                <choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
                    <a class="string-array">
                    <p><b>Slack channel name that needs to be notified on infrastructure changes.</b></p>
                    <p><b>apply - create/update infrastructure; destroy - destroy infrastructure.</b></p>
                <choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
                    <a class="string-array">
                    <p><b>This is the github url for your terraform scripts.</b></p>
                <choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
                    <a class="string-array">
<definition class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScmFlowDefinition" plugin="workflow-cps@2.10">
    <scm class="hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM" plugin="git@2.5.2">
        <submoduleCfg class="list"/>

I have a shell file that uses the config to create there pipeline jobs. IT gets created fine and when I run it works fien and succeeds but the UI for pipeline gets screwed:

this is when I build it :

Notice the stages and job succeeding

As the job finishes and succeeds this what the UI ends up with :

Notice 4th build is green but the UI shows failure and all stages are gone.

I dont see anything unique in the config.xml that might be messing things up. Has anyone tried this or any ideas?

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