In my CE-1.9.0 store my products currently create the following url rewrites:
However in my store I want to be able to stop creating the rewrites for the category versions. I have System > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Use Categories Path for Product URLs
set to No
so these extra rewrites are unnecessary. Plus my store has around 500,000 products and counting so these extra url's are taking up a lot of space in the core_url_rewrite` table.
So my aim is to only be left with these versions:
If I truncate the core_url_rewrite table and reindex then only these versions get created so it is only when new products are created. My catalog is so large so I cannot keep truncated and rebuilding the table from scratch as the rebuilding takes several hours.
With help from this question I have found the file that is responsible for creating the rewrites when a product is created. It is:
However the answer is no longer valid as the code has changed in the core file.
In this file on line #538 there is the _afterLoad
function it is the line
And this function _addUrlRewrite
however i've tried changing a lot inside this function but have had no luck. The function in full is:
protected function _addUrlRewrite()
$urlRewrites = null;
if ($this->_cacheConf) {
if (!($urlRewrites = Mage::app()->loadCache($this->_cacheConf['prefix'] . 'urlrewrite'))) {
$urlRewrites = null;
} else {
$urlRewrites = unserialize($urlRewrites);
if (!$urlRewrites) {
$productIds = array();
foreach($this->getItems() as $item) {
$productIds[] = $item->getEntityId();
if (!count($productIds)) {
$select = $this->_factory->getProductUrlRewriteHelper()
->getTableSelect($productIds, $this->_urlRewriteCategory, Mage::app()->getStore()->getId());
$urlRewrites = array();
foreach ($this->getConnection()->fetchAll($select) as $row) {
if (!isset($urlRewrites[$row['product_id']])) {
$urlRewrites[$row['product_id']] = $row['request_path'];
if ($this->_cacheConf) {
$this->_cacheConf['prefix'] . 'urlrewrite',
array_merge($this->_cacheConf['tags'], array(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Url::CACHE_TAG)),
foreach($this->getItems() as $item) {
if (empty($this->_urlRewriteCategory)) {
if (isset($urlRewrites[$item->getEntityId()])) {
$item->setData('request_path', $urlRewrites[$item->getEntityId()]);
} else {
$item->setData('request_path', false);