
时间:2016-08-30 19:20:51

标签: ios mkmapview mapkit mkannotation mkannotationview



-(void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    self.annotationArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = {.latitude =  15.8700320, .longitude =  100.9925410};
MKCoordinateSpan span = {.latitudeDelta =  3, .longitudeDelta =  3};
MKCoordinateRegion region = {coord, span};
[mapViewUI setRegion:region];
    PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Share"];
    [query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
        if (!error) {
                       self.mapViewData = objects;
                        for (int i=0;i<[objects count];i++)
                // Question * q = [[Question alloc]init];

                PFObject * obj = [self.mapViewData objectAtIndex:i];
                NSLog(@"%@", obj);
                self.theObject = obj;

                NSString *string = obj[@"WhereAt"];

                NSArray *stringArray = [string componentsSeparatedByString: @","];

                CLLocationDegrees myLatitude = [[stringArray objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue];
                CLLocationDegrees myLongitude = [[stringArray objectAtIndex:1] doubleValue];
                CLLocationCoordinate2D coord2 = {.latitude =  myLatitude, .longitude =  myLongitude};
                NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
                dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"MMM dd, yyyy";

                MKPointAnnotation *annotation2 = [[MKPointAnnotation alloc] init];
                [annotation2 setCoordinate:coord2];
                [annotation2 setTitle:obj[@"FamilyName"]];
                [annotation2 setSubtitle:obj[@"Result"]];
                [mapViewUI addAnnotation:annotation2];


        } else {
            // Log details of the failure
            NSLog(@"Error: %@ %@", error, [error userInfo]);


- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation {
    if (annotation == mapViewUI.userLocation)
        return nil;
    NSUInteger index = [[mapView annotations] indexOfObject:annotation];
    PFObject *objectForCurrentAnnotation = [self.mapViewData objectAtIndex:index];
    MKPinAnnotationView *annotationView = [[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] init];

    annotationView.enabled = YES;
    annotationView.canShowCallout = YES;
    NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"MMM dd, yyyy";
    NSString *theResult = objectForCurrentAnnotation[@"Result"];
    NSLog(@"Result is %@", theResult);

    if ([theResult isEqualToString:@"Accepted Bible"]) {
        annotationView.pinTintColor = [UIColor greenColor];

   else if ([theResult isEqualToString:@"Requested Different Material"]) {

        annotationView.pinTintColor = [UIColor blackColor];

   else if ([theResult isEqualToString:@"Not Home"]) {
      NSLog(@"Not Home");

        annotationView.pinTintColor = [UIColor yellowColor];

   else if ([theResult isEqualToString:@"Rejected Bible"]) {

        annotationView.pinTintColor = [UIColor redColor];


    return annotationView;

    return nil;




-(void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = {.latitude =  15.8700320, .longitude =  100.9925410};
MKCoordinateSpan span = {.latitudeDelta =  3, .longitudeDelta =  3};
MKCoordinateRegion region = {coord, span};
[mapView setRegion:region];
    PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Share"];
    [query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
        if (!error) {
            // The find succeeded. The first 100 objects are available in objects
            //  questionsList = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
            NSLog(@"Objects%lu", (unsigned long)[objects count]);

            for (int i=0;i<[objects count];i++)
                // Question * q = [[Question alloc]init];

                PFObject * obj = [objects objectAtIndex:i];
                self.theObject = obj;

                NSString *string = obj[@"WhereAt"];

                NSArray *stringArray = [string componentsSeparatedByString: @","];

                CLLocationDegrees myLatitude = [[stringArray objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue];
                CLLocationDegrees myLongitude = [[stringArray objectAtIndex:1] doubleValue];
                CLLocationCoordinate2D coord2 = {.latitude =  myLatitude, .longitude =  myLongitude};
                NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
                dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"MMM dd, yyyy";
                NSString *theResult = obj[@"Result"];

                NSString *theDate = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:obj[@"DateVisited"]];
                NSString *combined = [[theResult stringByAppendingString:@" on "] stringByAppendingString:theDate];
                NSString *theTitle = [[obj[@"FamilyName"] stringByAppendingString:@" "] stringByAppendingString:obj[@"StreetAddress"]];

                MKPointAnnotation *annotation = [[MKPointAnnotation alloc] init];
                [annotation setCoordinate:coord2];
                [annotation setTitle:theTitle];
                [annotation setSubtitle:combined];

                [mapView addAnnotation:annotation];


        } else {
            // Log details of the failure
            NSLog(@"Error: %@ %@", error, [error userInfo]);

- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation {

    MKPinAnnotationView *annotationView = [[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] init];

    annotationView.enabled = YES;
    annotationView.canShowCallout = YES;
    NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"MMM dd, yyyy";
    NSString *theResult = self.theObject[@"Result"];
    NSLog(@"Result is %@", theResult);

    if ([theResult isEqualToString:@"Accepted Bible"]) {
      //  NSLog(@"Accepted");
        annotationView.pinTintColor = [UIColor greenColor];

   else if ([theResult isEqualToString:@"Requested Different Material"]) {

        annotationView.pinTintColor = [UIColor blackColor];

   else if ([theResult isEqualToString:@"Not Home"]) {
      // NSLog(@"Not Home");

        annotationView.pinTintColor = [UIColor yellowColor];

   else if ([theResult isEqualToString:@"Rejected Bible"]) {

        annotationView.pinTintColor = [UIColor redColor];

    //annotationView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"arrest.png"];//here we use a nice image instead of the default pins
    PFFile *thumbnail = self.theObject[@"HousePicture"];
    [thumbnail getDataInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSData *imageData, NSError *error) {

        UIImage *thumbnailImage = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
        self.theImage = thumbnailImage;
        //annotationView.image = thumbnailImage;
        UIView *leftCAV = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,60,60)];
        UIImageView *theImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 60, 60)];
        theImageView.image = self.theImage;
        annotationView.leftCalloutAccessoryView = leftCAV;
        [leftCAV addSubview:theImageView];
        annotationView.canShowCallout = YES;


    return annotationView;

    return nil;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


@interface MyPointAnnotation : MKPointAnnotation
    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *result;


NSString *theResult = obj[@"Result"];

MyPointAnnotation *myAnnotation = [[MyPointAnnotation alloc] init];
[myAnnotation setCoordinate:coord2];
[myAnnotation setTitle:theTitle];
[myAnnotation setSubtitle:combined];
[myAnnotation setResult:theResult];

[mapView addAnnotation:myAnnotation];


MyPointAnnotation *myAnnotation = (MyPointAnnotation *)annotation;
NSString *theResult = myAnnotation.result;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


1。 @property (nonatomic, string) NSArray *mapViewData; 类具有称为注释的属性。通过调用此属性,它将返回地图上所有注释的排序数组,该数组与初始数组中的数据顺序相关。这样你只需要存储Parse中所有获取的对象。 在视图控制器的界面中,只需添加一个新属性:


[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) { if (!error) { self.mapViewData = objects; // here you form your annotations } }]; 方法中:

 - (nullable MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation {
     NSUInteger index = [[mapView annotations] indexOfObject:annotation];
     PFObject *objectForCurrentAnnotation = [self.mapViewData objectAtIndex:index];
     // do your customisation


@interface SuperAnnotation : MKPointAnnotation

@property (nonatomic, strong) PFObject *dataObject;


@implementation SuperAnnotation

- (void)setDataObject:(PFObject *)dataObject {
    _dataObject = dataObject;

    self.title = // calculate your string for title
    self.subtitle = // and the same for subtitle


2。 覆盖和子类化MKPointAnnotation对象。

- (nullable MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation {
     PFObject *objectForCurrentAnnotation = ((SuperAnnotation *) annotation).dataObject;    
     // do your customisation


@property (nonatomic, string) NSMutableDictionary *dataDictionary;

3。 您可以创建字典,该字典将存储您需要进行自定义的MKAnnotation和PFObject对(不建议用于大量数据)。

[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) { if (!error) { self.dataDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary new]; // here you form your annotations [self.dataDictionary setObject:yourPFObject forKey:yourAnnoationObject]; } }];


 - (nullable MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation {
     PFObject *objectForCurrentAnnotation = [self.dataDictionary objectForKey:annotation];
     // do your customisation

