我正在制作一个使用java SWT的Tree结构的程序。这是基于从外部文件和用户输入读取的数据构建的树。 在这棵树上,我还附上了一个右键菜单。
public void createTree(final Composite container){
for(Object element : container.getChildren()){
if(element instanceof Tree){
((Tree) element).dispose();
// function to verify if the tree is still in my container composite, and if so, I'll dispose the tree, because I am going to construct a new one
final Tree variantTree = new Tree(container, SWT.CHECK | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL);//creating new tree object
variantTree.setBounds(10, 65, 400, 400);//dimensions
//variantTree.setData("variant"); -- wanted to abuse this method to make a difference between the tree's level,
//but this attribute is shared across all the tree, and I cannot make a distinction between my levels
//here I am using the data saved in a tree data structure to populate my SWT Tree
variantTree.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener(){
//this is a listener used for the tree's checkboxes, using them to select different items from my tree
final Menu treeMenu = new Menu(variantTree);
variantTree.setMenu(treeMenu);//adding the right click menu
treeMenu.addMenuListener(new MenuAdapter(){
//the menu's items are declared here: the buttons that I want to have and the their listeners
//i am disposing the menu's items if there are any
MenuItem newItem = new MenuItem(treeMenu, SWT.NONE);
newItem.setText("new button... ");
newItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener(){
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
String item = variantTree.getSelection()[0].getText();//can I use this to make different menus for different tree levels?
for(Node element : TestControl.getTree().getChildren()){//getting the tree data structure that I have saved in a static way via a class
//opening a file dialog here and doing some operations
//this is where I want to make the distinction between the levels of the tree, such as that I will have this menu show up only for the root of my tree, or the first level of the tree, since I will have multiple trees
variantTree.addMenuDetectListener(new MenuDetectListener(){
public void menuDetected(MenuDetectEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if(/*condition*/){ //I messed around with the tree's methods and attributes, nothing so far has come in handy to help me make a distinction between my tree's levels
event.doit = true;
//System.out.println(variantTree.getSelectionCount()); --I don't know if this can help me either, I tried to see if this will return differently for every level of the tree, but the return values is always 0
//find some kind of handle
event.doit = false;
另外,我想为树的第二层显示另一个菜单,我可以使用String item = variantTree.getSelection()[0].getText();
,以某种方式修改以满足我的需求吗?比方说,String item = variantTree.getSelection()[1].getText();
root1 - 只想要此菜单的菜单
| ---孩子 - 1级
| ------孩子 - 2级
root2 - 只需要此菜单的菜单
| ---孩子 - 1级
| -------孩子 - 2级
答案 0 :(得分:1)
无需比较TotalDuration[k]+= ResReqRAM[j];
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我已通过以下方式解决了我的问题。 如果您确实看到了我的代码,则有以下几行:
for(Node element : TestControl.getTree().getChildren()){//getting the tree data structure that I have saved in a static way via a class
//opening a file dialog here and doing some operations
使用相同的方法,这将导致SWT Tree的菜单监听器结束:
variantTree.addMenuDetectListener(new MenuDetectListener(){
public void menuDetected(MenuDetectEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
for(Node element : TestControl.getTree().getChildren()){
event.doit = true;
break;//need this, because it will propagate only to the last item, or it will have a strange behaviour
event.doit = false;