
时间:2016-08-29 23:28:23

标签: php jquery mobile


NetUpload();正在调用,这意味着服务器认为文件已上传。再一次,这个问题只发生在移动设备上,它在我的iPhone 6s +(Safari),我朋友的Galaxy Note 7(默认浏览器)上失败了,但是在我的另一个朋友的三星Galaxy 6上工作了(铬)。


        $(function () {
            $('#upload-button').click(function () {

            $('#file-data').change(function () {
                document.getElementById("upload-button").style.visibility = "hidden";
                document.getElementById("upload-button").style.display = "none";

                document.getElementById("submit-image").style.visibility = "visible";
                document.getElementById("submit-image").style.display = "block";

                document.getElementById("post-tags").style.visibility = "visible";
                document.getElementById("post-tags").style.display = "block";
    <?php Repeats::Navigation(); ?>
    <div class="container">
        <div class="form-container">
            <div class="message">We're aware of the issue some users are having with uploading on their mobile devices, we're currently looking into this.</div> <br />
            <form action="api.php?call=upload&arg1=<?php print $_SESSION["postkey"]; ?>&arg2=browser" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <input type="button" id="upload-button" name="upload-button" value="Choose Image">
                <input type="text" class="no-round" id="post-tags" name="posttags" placeholder="Post tags (seperated by commas)" style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"/>
                <input type="file" name="file" id="file-data" accept="image/*" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
                <input type="submit" name="submit-image" id="submit-image" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;" value="Upload">


// There is a file being uploaded.
if (isset($_FILES['file']))
    $error = '';
    $query = $db->connection->query("SELECT * FROM `pictures`");
    $imageID = $query->rowCount() + 1;
    $target_file = 'images/'.basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]);
    $imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    $target_file = "images/".$imageID.'.'.$imageFileType;

    if (empty($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]))
        $error = 'You did not choose an image to upload.';
        $uploadOk = 0;
        // Make sure what is being uploaded is an image.
        if(getimagesize($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]) !== false)
            $uploadOk = 1;
            $error = 'This is not an image.';

        // If the file already exists, something went wrong.
        if (file_exists($target_file))
            $error = 'Something went wrong, please try again later!';

        // Check if the file is within the size limits.
        if ($_FILES["file"]["size"] > Settings::$settings["maxsize"] || $_FILES["file"]["size"] < Settings::$settings["minsize"])
            $error = 'File size is invalid.';

        // Only accept these image formats.
        if(strtolower($imageFileType) != "jpg" && $imageFileType != "png" && $imageFileType != "jpeg" && $imageFileType != "gif" && $imageFileType != "gifv" )
            $error = 'Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF files are supported.';

        if ($error != '')
            print json_encode(array(
                    "Status" => "error",
                    "Message" => $error


        // Use PNG compression if we're off the local server.
        if ($imageFileType == "png" && Settings::$settings["local"] == "no")
            file_put_contents($target_file, compress_png($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']));
            NewUpload(UidFromPostkey($_GET['arg1']), $imageFileType, $imageID, $_POST['posttags']);

            print json_encode(array(
                "Status" => "success",
                "Message" => 'Your upload is complete.'

            if (isset($_GET['arg2']) && $_GET['arg2'] == 'browser')
                header('Location: user.php');

        // We're either on the local server or our file is not a PNG.
        else if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $target_file))
            NewUpload(UidFromPostkey($_GET['arg1']), $imageFileType, $imageID, $_POST['posttags']);

            print json_encode(array(
                "Status" => "success",
                "Message" => 'Your upload is complete.'

            if (isset($_GET['arg2']) && $_GET['arg2'] == 'browser')
                header('Location: user.php');
    print json_encode(array(
            "Status" => "error",
            "Message" => "no file selected."


 function compress_png($path_to_png_file, $max_quality = 90)
     if (!file_exists($path_to_png_file)) {
         throw new Exception("File does not exist: $path_to_png_file");

$min_quality = 60;

// '-' makes it use stdout, required to save to $compressed_png_content variable
// '<' makes it read from the given file path
// escapeshellarg() makes this safe to use with any path
$compressed_png_content = shell_exec("pngquant --quality=$min_quality-$max_quality - < ".escapeshellarg(    $path_to_png_file));

if (!$compressed_png_content) {
    throw new Exception("Conversion to compressed PNG failed. Is pngquant 1.8+ installed on the server?");

return $compressed_png_content;

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