我在我的linux(CentOS 6)中安装了字体“Incosolata”,我可以将此字体设置为终端的默认字体。
然后我在我的.emacs文件中添加:GpsPosition pos = g.GetPosition(TimeSpan.Zero);
/// <summary>
/// Get the position reported by the GPS receiver that is no older than
/// the maxAge passed in
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxAge">Max age of the gps position data that you want back.
/// If there is no data within the required age, null is returned.
/// if maxAge == TimeSpan.Zero, then the age of the data is ignored</param>
/// <returns>GpsPosition class with all the position details</returns>
public GpsPosition GetPosition(TimeSpan maxAge)
GpsPosition gpsPosition = null;
if (Opened)
// allocate the necessary memory on the native side. We have a class (GpsPosition) that
// has the same memory layout as its native counterpart
IntPtr ptr = Utils.LocalAlloc(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GpsPosition)));
// fill in the required fields
gpsPosition = new GpsPosition();
gpsPosition.dwVersion = 1;
gpsPosition.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GpsPosition));
// Marshal our data to the native pointer we allocated.
Marshal.StructureToPtr(gpsPosition, ptr, false);
// call native method passing in our native buffer
int result = GPSGetPosition(gpsHandle, ptr, 500000, 0);
if (result == 0)
// native call succeeded, marshal native data to our managed data
gpsPosition = (GpsPosition)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(GpsPosition));
if (maxAge != TimeSpan.Zero)
// check to see if the data is recent enough.
if (!gpsPosition.TimeValid || DateTime.Now - maxAge > gpsPosition.Time)
gpsPosition = null;
else if (result == 87) // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
// http://blogs.msdn.com/cenet/archive/2007/12/06/gpsid-problem-workaround-on-recent-wm6-release.aspx
// allocate the necessary memory on the native side. We have a class (GpsPosition) that
// has the same memory layout as its native counterpart
ptr = Utils.LocalAlloc(376);
// fill in the required fields
gpsPosition = new GpsPosition();
gpsPosition.dwVersion = 1;
gpsPosition.dwSize = 376;
// Marshal our data to the native pointer we allocated.
Marshal.StructureToPtr(gpsPosition, ptr, false);
// call native method passing in our native buffer
result = GPSGetPosition(gpsHandle, ptr, 500000, 0);
if (result == 0)
// native call succeeded, marshal native data to our managed data
gpsPosition = (GpsPosition)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(GpsPosition));
if (maxAge != TimeSpan.Zero)
// check to see if the data is recent enough.
if (!gpsPosition.TimeValid || DateTime.Now - maxAge > gpsPosition.Time)
gpsPosition = null;
// free our native memory
return gpsPosition;
我错过了任何选项吗? 我应该进行一些设置让emacs识别这种字体吗?
update_0: 我试过了,但没有工作:
(set-default-font "Inconsolata")
error: Font not available, # font-spec nil nil Inconsolata nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ((:name . Inconsolata) (user-spec . Inconsolata))
update_1: 这是我安装字体的方式
(setq initial-frame-alist '(
(font . "Inconsolata-14")
(setq default-frame-alist '(
(font . "Inconsolata-14")