
时间:2016-08-28 11:00:54

标签: firefox-addon

我对mozilla扩展开发很新,甚至我刚刚了解扩展和附加开发是不同的 我对MDN(Mozilla开发者网络)的看法非常感兴趣 我想在我的附加组件安装完成后执行脚本'content_script.js',这样用户就不需要重新启动浏览器了



       var chrome = require("chrome");      
             executeScript (contentscript.js) in tabs});

//also I tried


然后我在AddonManager.addAddonListener()中找到onInstalled() https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/Add-on_Manager/AddonListener#onInstalled()



    const { AddonManager } = require("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm");

        tabs.executeScript(tabId, "../data/content_script.js", function(result) { console.log('result ='+result); });           


    const { AddonManager } = require("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm");

    var listener = {
  onInstalled: function(addon) {
        tabs.executeScript(tabId, "../data/content_script.js", function(result) { console.log('result ='+result); });           



  "title": "test",
  "name": "test",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "test addon corp",
  "main": "lib/main.js",
  "author": "test",
  "engines": {
    "firefox": ">=38.0a1",
    "fennec": ">=38.0a1"
  "license": "MIT",
  "keywords": [


我认为我做错了,我在Chrome扩展程序中做到了很容易,但我对Mozilla addon没有任何想法。我甚至无法达到“已安装”,执行content_script远远不够远 如果有人知道怎么做,请帮助。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 您仍在混合WebExtensions和Add-on SDK
  • 安装当前正在安装的加载项的AddonManager onInstalled事件发生在之前到正在运行的加载项的任何代码。因此,您不会收到正在侦听的加载项的此事件。
    • AddonManager主要用于您的加载项,以便能够监控涉及其他加载项的活动。它在监视用于监视的附加组件活动方面的用处是有限的。
    • 如果用户在删除附加组件之前禁用了该附加组件,则可以获取AddonManager onDisabled事件。如果用户直接删除它,您只会收到onUninstalling事件。
  • 当内容脚本由作为主要加载项加载的加载项附加时,您可能会遇到内容脚本中的console.log()未显示在浏览器控制台中的问题用jpm run测试。输出在控制台窗口中可用,该窗口执行jpm run。虽然按设计将输出转到控制台窗口,但我觉得输出不会输出到浏览器控制台(除控制台窗口之外)是错误或错误。
  • 将内容脚本加载到about:*页面会导致某些行为与将其加载到普通网页不同。此行为可能包括使console.log()输出仅显示为使用dump()输出(即它不会显示在浏览器控制台中,但会在执行Firefox / {{1}的控制台中显示})。如果您尝试这样做,则需要尝试一下您可以做的事情。
  • 你已经说过,"我认为我的main.js在安装后没有正常运行。"这种看法可能是因为没有找到jpm run输出的正确位置Browser Console。因此,我在下面的附加组件中自动打开浏览器控制台。
    • 安装加载项时,package.json"main"中指定的JavaScript文件会运行。它也可以在Firefox启动时运行。
    • 您可以拥有一个exports.main函数,该函数会在评估并执行console.log() JavaScript文件中的代码后自动调用。此函数可用于查找正在执行加载项的原因。可能的原因有"main"installenablestartupupgrade。下面的附加组件演示了何时执行此代码并将downgrade传递给它。

为了演示各种各样的东西,我编写了一个Firefox Add-on SDK扩展,它可以加载一些内容脚本并监听reason个事件。我制作了这个附加组件的两个版本,这些版本只在名称和ID上有所不同,这些名称和ID分别分配给各自的 package.json 文件。这两个加载项是AddonManagerinstallinfo@ex1

第一个加载项installinfo@ex2是通过在其目录中运行installinfo@ex1加载的。第二个加载项jpm run是通过拖放installinfo@ex2为其创建的 .xpi 来安装的。使用Firefox UI,我立即导航到jpm xpi Ctrl - Shift - A Cmd - OSX上的 Shift - A 并继续先禁用about:addons;那么"删除" installinfo@ex2;然后刷新installinfo@ex2页面,使其无法撤消"撤消"删除。然后我退出Firefox主浏览器窗口。






[User action: Start Firefox in installinfo@ex1 directory]
    installinfo@ex1: In index.js
    installinfo@ex1: In installAddonListener: Adding add-on listener
    installinfo@ex1: Attaching content script A
    installinfo@ex1: In exports.main: This add-on is being loaded for reason= install Object { loadReason: "install", staticArgs: undefined }
    installinfo@ex1: Attaching content script B
    installinfo@ex1: In exports.main: was passed callbacks= Object { print: print(), quit: function () }
[Note: no console.log output from within conentScriptA loading]
    installinfo@ex1: received message from contentScriptA: Is Loaded
[Note: no console.log output from within conentScriptB loading]
    installinfo@ex1: received message from contentScriptB: Is Loaded
[User action: Drag and drop .xpi for installinfo@ex2 onto Firefox]
    installinfo@ex1: AddonManager Event: Installing addon ID: installinfo@ex2 ::needsRestart= false ::addon object: Object {  }
    installinfo@ex1: AddonManager Event: Installed addon ID: installinfo@ex2 ::addon object: Object {  }
            installinfo@ex2: In index.js
            installinfo@ex2: In installAddonListener: Adding add-on listener
            installinfo@ex2: Attaching content script A
            installinfo@ex2: In exports.main: This add-on is being loaded for reason= install Object { loadReason: "install", staticArgs: undefined }
            installinfo@ex2: Attaching content script B
            installinfo@ex2: In exports.main: was passed callbacks= Object { print: print(_), quit: function () }
                installinfo@ex2: In contentScriptA: Loaded
            installinfo@ex2: received message from contentScriptA: Is Loaded
                installinfo@ex2: In contentScriptB: Loaded
            installinfo@ex2: received message from contentScriptB: Is Loaded
[User action: Navigate to about:addons]
[User action: Disable installinfo@ex2]
    installinfo@ex1: AddonManager Event: Disabling addon ID: installinfo@ex2 ::needsRestart= false ::addon object: Object {  }
            installinfo@ex2: AddonManager Event: Disabling addon ID: installinfo@ex2 ::needsRestart= false ::addon object: Object {  }
            installinfo@ex2: In exports.onUnload: This add-on is being unloaded for reason= disable
            installinfo@ex2: In removeAddonListener: Removing add-on listener
    installinfo@ex1: AddonManager Event: Disabled addon ID: installinfo@ex2 ::addon object: Object {  }
            installinfo@ex2: AddonManager Event: Disabled addon ID: installinfo@ex2 ::addon object: Object {  }
    installinfo@ex1: AddonManager Event: Uninstalling addon ID: installinfo@ex2 ::needsRestart= true ::addon object: Object {  }
[Get a warning in Browser Console because installinfo@ex2 did not remove its AddonManager listeners, and AddonManager is still trying to call them.]
            1472563865661   addons.manager   WARN   AddonListener threw exception when calling onUninstalling: TypeError: can't access dead object (resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:1756:1) JS Stack trace: AddonManagerInternal.callAddonListeners@AddonManager.jsm:1756:1 < this.AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners@AddonManager.jsm:3075:5 < this.XPIProvider.uninstallAddon@XPIProvider.jsm:5041:7 < AddonWrapper.prototype.uninstall@XPIProvider.jsm:7484:5 < uninstall@extensions.xml:1548:13 < oncommand@about:addons:1:1
[User action: Refresh about:addons page to remove "undo" posibility for installinfo@ex2]
    installinfo@ex1: Uninstalled addon ID: installinfo@ex2 ::addon object: Object {  }
[Get a warning in Browser Console because installinfo@ex2 did not remove its AddonManager listeners, and AddonManager is still trying to call them.]
            1472563873408   addons.manager   WARN   AddonListener threw exception when calling onUninstalled: TypeError: can't access dead object (resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:1756:1) JS Stack trace: AddonManagerInternal.callAddonListeners@AddonManager.jsm:1756:1 < this.AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners@AddonManager.jsm:3075:5 < this.XPIProvider.uninstallAddon@XPIProvider.jsm:5096:7 < AddonWrapper.prototype.uninstall@XPIProvider.jsm:7484:5 < doPendingUninstalls@extensions.js:1740:5 < gListView.hide@extensions.js:2733:5 < gViewController.shutdown@extensions.js:651:7 < shutdown@extensions.js:184:3 < EventListener.handleEvent*@extensions.js:84:1
[User action: Close main Firefox browser window]
[User action: Close Firefox Browser Console window]
    (via dump):installinfo@ex1: In exports.onUnload: This add-on is being unloaded for reason= shutdown

数据/ contentScriptA

/* Firefox Add-on SDK test when code is executed upon install*/

//For testing:
var doNotRemoveAddonManagerListenersUponUninstall = true

var self = require("sdk/self");
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var myId = self.id;
let myIdText = myId;
if(myId.indexOf('2') > -1){
    //Indent console logs for version 2
    myIdText = '\t\t' + myIdText ;

var utils = require('sdk/window/utils');
activeWin = utils.getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
//This will execute every time the add-on is loaded (e.g. install, startup, enable, etc).
myLog('In index.js');

//Open the Browser Console

function myLog(){
    // Using activeWin.console.log() is needed to have output to the
    // Browser Console when installed as an .xpi file.  In that case,
    // console is mapped to dump(), which does not output to the console. 
    // This is done, I assume, to not polute the console from SDK add-ons
    // that are logging information when they should not.  Using jpm run,
    // console.log outputs to the Browser Console.
    let activeWin = require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
    // If Firefox is exiting (and some other conditions), there is
    // no active window.  At such times, we must use the version
    // of console.log() aliases to dump().
    let useConsole = console;
    if(activeWin ){
        //useConsole = activeWin.console;
    useConsole.log(myIdText +':',...arguments);

function attachScript(script){
    let tabWorker = tabs.activeTab.attach({
        contentScriptFile: script,
        contentScriptOptions: {
            //extra \t because content script console.log (from .xpi) doesn't prefix with
            //  add-on name.
            idText: '\t\t\t' + myIdText
    return tabWorker;

function logMessage(message){

exports.main = function (options,callbacks) {
    myLog('In exports.main: This add-on is being loaded for reason=', options.loadReason
          , options);
    myLog('Attaching content script B');
    if(typeof callbacks !== 'undefined'){
        myLog('In exports.main: was passed callbacks=', callbacks);
    switch (options.loadReason) {
        case 'install':
            //Do actions upon install
        case 'enable':
            //Do actions upon enable
        case 'startup':
            //Do actions upon startup
        case 'upgrade':
            //Do actions upon upgrade
        case 'downgrade':
            //Do actions upon downgrade
            throw 'Unknown load reason:' + options.loadReason;
            break; //Not needed, throw will exit

exports.onUnload = function (reason) {
    myLog('In exports.onUnload: This add-on is being unloaded for reason=',reason);
    //Your add-on listeners are NOT automatically removed when
    //  your add-on is disabled/uninstalled. 
    //You MUST remove them in exports.onUnload if the reason is
    //  not 'shutdown'.  If you don't, errors will be shown in the
    //  console for all events for which you registered a listener.
    if(reason !== 'shutdown') {

const { AddonManager } = require("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm");

let addonListener = {
    onEnabling: function(addon, needsRestart){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Enabliling addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::needsRestart= ' + needsRestart + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onEnabled: function(addon){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Enabled addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onDisabling: function(addon, needsRestart){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Disabling addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::needsRestart= ' + needsRestart + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onDisabled: function(addon){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Disabled addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onInstalling: function(addon, needsRestart){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Installing addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::needsRestart= ' + needsRestart + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onInstalled: function(addon){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Installed addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onUninstalling: function(addon, needsRestart){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Uninstalling addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::needsRestart= ' + needsRestart + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onUninstalled: function(addon){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Uninstalled addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onOperationCancelled: function(addon){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Add-on Operation Canceled addon ID: ' 
              + addon.id + ' ::addon object:', addon);
    onPropertyChanged: function(addon, properties){
        myLog('AddonManager Event: Add-on Property Changed addon ID: ' + addon.id 
              + ' ::properties= ', properties, ' ::addon object:', addon);

function installAddonListener(){
    //Using an AddonManager listener is not effective to listen for your own add-on's
    //  install event.  The event happens prior to you adding the listener.
    myLog('In installAddonListener: Adding add-on listener');

function uninstallAddonListener(){
    if(doNotRemoveAddonManagerListenersUponUninstall === true){
        //Do the WRONG thing to demonstrate what happens when you don't
        //  remove AddonManager listeners upon your add-on being disabled.
    //Using an AddonManager listener is not effective to listen for your own add-on's
    //  install event.  The event happens prior to you adding the listener.
    myLog('In removeAddonListener: Removing add-on listener');


myLog('Attaching content script A');

数据/ contentScriptB

//console.log is ailiased to dump() when running under jpm run. Thus,
//  you will not see the output from this line in the Browser Console
//  when run under jpm run.  It will appear in the console window from 
//  which you executed 'jpm run'
//  From an .xpi it outputs to the Browser Console, as expected.
console.log(self.options.idText + ': In contentScriptA: Loaded');

//Send a message to the background script that this content script is loaded.
self.port.emit('consoleLog', 'received message from contentScriptA: Is Loaded');

package.json (对于installinfo @ ex1):

//console.log is ailiased to dump() when running under jpm run. Thus,
//  you will not see the output from this line in the Browser Console
//  when run under jpm run.  It will appear in the console window from 
//  which you executed 'jpm run'
//  From an .xpi it outputs to the Browser Console, as expected.
console.log(self.options.idText + ': In contentScriptB: Loaded');

//Send a message to the background script that this content script is loaded.
self.port.emit('consoleLog', 'received message from contentScriptB: Is Loaded');

package.json (对于installinfo @ ex2):

    "title": "Demo when code executes re install 1",
    "name": "installinfo1",
    "id": "installinfo@ex1",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "description": "Demo when execute various code with respect to install",
    "main": "index.js",
    "author": "Makyen",
    "engines": {
        "firefox": ">=38.0a1",
        "fennec": ">=38.0a1"
    "license": "MIT",
    "keywords": [