我正在尝试推进Applescript以设置Finder窗口视图 - 递归 - 与任何给定文件夹中的深度级别相同。我可以达到预期的效果,但只能在一个窗口/文件夹中;尽管经过数小时的搜索和实验,我仍然无法将我的菜鸟头包裹在Applescript看似简单的语法(对于变量,特别是循环)。顺便说一句,我对此的预期用途是作为Droplet留在Dock中,或者可能创建一些变体并将它们添加到Finder窗口工具栏。此外,即使这最终需要打开每个文件夹和子文件夹,这对我来说是可以接受的,因为我不会经常在文件层次结构中以太高的速度运行它。非常感谢您提供任何帮助。
tell application "Finder"
set toolbar visible of front window to false
set bounds of front window to {0, 43, 899, 855}
set current view of front window to list view
set visible of column id name column of list view options of front window to true
set sort column of list view options of front window to name column
set visible of column id version column of list view options of front window to false
set visible of column id label column of list view options of front window to false
set width of column id name column of list view options of front window to 300
set width of column id modification date column of list view options of front window to 111
set width of column id creation date column of list view options of front window to 111
set width of column id size column of list view options of front window to 90
set width of column id kind column of list view options of front window to 180
set uses relative dates of the list view options of front window to false
set calculates folder sizes of the list view options of front window to true
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set parentFolder to the front Finder window
repeat with entire contents in parentFolder
[ same 'set' commands here ]
end repeat
end tell
答案 0 :(得分:2)
听起来你可能一直在阅读AppleScript: Beginner's Tutorial。
-- Adopted from a script found on http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/1037
-- which in turn was based on a script in the comments of this article:
-- http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20050924210643297
-- Instructions for use:
-- Paste this script into Script Editor and save as an application to
-- ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Finder/open in Finder
-- Run via the AppleScript Menu item (http://www.apple.com/applescript/scriptmenu/)
-- Or better yet, Control-click and drag it to the top of a finder window so it appears in every finder window.
-- Activate it by clicking on it or dragging a file or folder onto it.
-- Another nice touch is to give the saved script an icon.
-- To do this, in the Finder, use Get info (Command-I) on both another file and this saved script.
-- (The other file's icon should be the one you want to use on this script.)
-- In the Get Info window of the other file, click the icon (it will highlight blue) and copy it by pressing Comand-C.
-- Then, in the Get Info window of this file click on this script's icon and paste by pressing Command-V.
-- If opened by clicking the toolbar
on run
tell application "Finder"
set theCurrentWindow to (folder of front window as string)
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
showLocalError(errorMessage, errorNumber, "setting the view of the front window")
end try
end tell
end run
-- If dropping a file or folder on the icon
on open (droppedItems)
tell application "Finder"
repeat with itemPath in droppedItems
set itemPath to itemPath as string
if not (itemPath ends with ":") then
set x to the offset of ":" in (the reverse of every character of itemPath) as string
set itemPath to (characters 1 thru -(x) of itemPath) as string
end if
end repeat
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
showLocalError(errorMessage, errorNumber, "working with the file or files you supplied")
end try
end tell
end open
-- starting with the topmost folder (current window, or dropped on the icon)
on setContainedFolderViews(parentFolder)
repeat with eachFolder in (get every folder of parentFolder)
end repeat
on error errorMessage nummber errorNumber
showLocalError(errorMessage, errorNumber, "working with the list of folders in the front window")
end try
end setContainedFolderViews
-- Try to set view of selected folder to my preferred view
on useMyViewPreferences(currentFolder)
-- Since this handler is called from inside a loop,
-- the error messages in could potentially get very annoying.
set toolbar visible of currentFolder to false
set bounds of currentFolder to {0, 43, 899, 855}
set current view of currentFolder to list view
set visible of column id name column of list view options of currentFolder to true
set sort column of list view options of currentFolder to name column
set visible of column id version column of list view options of currentFolder to false
set visible of column id label column of list view options of currentFolder to false
set width of column id name column of list view options of currentFolder to 300
set width of column id modification date column of list view options of currentFolder to 111
set width of column id creation date column of list view options of currentFolder to 111
set width of column id size column of list view options of currentFolder to 90
set width of column id kind column of list view options of currentFolder to 180
set uses relative dates of the list view options of currentFolder to false
set calculates folder sizes of the list view options of currentFolder to true
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
showLocalError(errorMessage, errorNumber, "setting the view of the current folder")
end try
end useMyViewPreferences
-- Simple-minded error dialog
on showLocalError(errorMessage, errorNumber, doingStuff)
display dialog ¬
"Sorry, an AppleScript error of type " & errorNumber as text & ¬
" (" & errorMessage & ") occured in " & doingStuff & ", because" & ¬
" the programmer tried to use vague memories of HyperTalk to write this script."
end showLocalError
编辑: 我假设Finder可以在不打开每个文件夹的情况下设置视图属性。如果我要更改它以打开每个文件夹,我可能希望确保打开脚本的每个窗口在下一个打开之前关闭。不过,我认为它仍会因大量文件夹而陷入困境。