
时间:2016-08-27 22:33:02

标签: vbscript hta

	Dim str
	set str = Wscript.Arguments

	str = InputBox("Enter the path of the files to be renamed as per e-ctd naming pattern")
	IF str = "" THEN Cancelled

	Set goFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	Dim sSDir : sSDir = str

	walkDirIter goFS.GetFolder(sSDir)

	Sub walkDirIter(oDir)
	Dim dicStack : Set dicStack = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	Dim nCur     : nCur         = dicStack.Count
	Set dicStack(nCur) = oDir
	Do Until nCur >= dicStack.Count
    Dim oElm
    For Each oElm In dicStack(nCur).Files
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "apple") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "apple", "a1...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ball") <> 0 Then
			 sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ball", "b2...")
			 oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "cat") <> 0 Then
			 sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "cat", "c3....")
			 oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "dog") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "dog", "d4....")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "elephant") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "elephant", "e5...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "fan") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "fan", "f6...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "guitar") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "guitar", "g7...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "hat") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "hat", "h8....")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ink") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ink", "i9...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "jet") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "jet", "j10...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
    For Each oElm In dicStack(nCur).SubFolders
	 Set dicStack(dicStack.Count) = oElm
     nCur = nCur + 1
	End Sub

我正在使用vbs script来重命名文件夹中的文件以及其中的所有子文件夹并且它对我来说正常工作(尽管它不是编写vbs脚本的最佳方式。我正在努力改进)。有时重命名文件需要花费大量时间,因为有数百个文件。所以在搜索之后我发现在hta中实现vbs脚本以获得进度条和更好的视觉效果更好。 这就像我接近它一样:


  <title id="title">Rename</title>
  <SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
    Public x, y, MyTitle

     Sub Window_Onload
     window.resizeTo 436, 216
     y = 1
     x = 1
     MyTitle = " _ Rename"
    End Sub

     Sub Go

     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     objStartFolder = path.value

     Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(objStartFolder)

     Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

     For Each fil in colFiles

     y = y + 1


     For Each fil in colFiles


     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "apple") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "apple", "a1...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "ball") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "ball", "b2...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "cat") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "cat", "c3....")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "dog") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "dog", "d4....")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "elephant") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "elephant", "e5...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "fan") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "fan", "f6...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "guitar") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "guitar", "g7...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "hat") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "hat", "h8....")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "ink") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "ink", "i9...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "jet") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "jet", "j10...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If


     ShowSubfolders objFSO.GetFolder(path.value)

     Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder)

     For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders

     Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Subfolder.Path)

     Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

     For Each fil in colFiles

     y = y + 1


     For each fil in colFiles


     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "apple") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "apple", "a1...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "ball") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "ball", "b2...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "cat") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "cat", "c3....")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "dog") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "dog", "d4....")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "elephant") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "elephant", "e5...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "fan") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "fan", "f6...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "guitar") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "guitar", "g7...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "hat") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "hat", "h8....")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "ink") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "ink", "i9...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If
     If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "jet") < > 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "jet", "j10...")
     fil.Name = sName
     End If


     ShowSubFolders Subfolder


     End Sub

     Sub Progress
     x = x + 1
     document.Title = FormatPercent(x / y, 0) & MyTitle
     document.all.ProgBarText.innerText = x & "/" & y
     document.all.ProgBarDone.innerText = String(x, "_")
     document.all.ProgBarToDo.innerText = String(y - x, "_") & "|"
    If x = y Then
     document.all.ProgBarToDo.innerText = ""
    MsgBox "Done"
     End If
     End Sub


<body bgcolor="#D7D7D7">

  <input type="text" name="path">

  <!-- Basic buttons -->
  <input id="BtnGo" type="button" value="Go" onclick="Go">
  <span id="ProgBarText"></span>
  <span id="ProgBarDone" style="background-color: #3399FF"></span>
  <font color="#FFFFFF">
 <span id="ProgBarToDo"style="background-color: #C0C0C0"></span>


这里的问题是这个hta给出了ShowSubfolders objFSO.GetFolder(path.value)的语法问题的脚本错误,所以我通过删除SUBFOLDER部分并运行像这样的hta来尝试它:


  <title id="title">Rename</title>
  <SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
    Public x, y, MyTitle

     Sub Window_Onload
     window.resizeTo 436, 216
     y = 0
     x = 0
     MyTitle = " _ Rename"
    End Sub

     Sub Go

     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     objStartFolder = path.value

     Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(objStartFolder)

     Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

     For Each fil in colFiles

     y = y + 1

For Each fil in colFiles

If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "apple") <> 0 Then
    sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "apple", "a1...")
    fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "ball") <> 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "ball", "b2...")
     fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "cat") <> 0 Then
     sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "cat", "c3....")
     fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "dog") <> 0 Then
    sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "dog", "d4....")
    fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "elephant") <> 0 Then
    sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "elephant", "e5...")
    fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "fan") <> 0 Then
    sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "fan", "f6...")
    fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "guitar") <> 0 Then
    sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "guitar", "g7...")
    fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "hat") <> 0 Then
    sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "hat", "h8....")
    fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "ink") <> 0 Then
    sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "ink", "i9...")
    fil.Name = sName
End If
If InStr(Lcase(fil.Name), "jet") <> 0 Then
    sName = Replace(Lcase(fil.Name), "jet", "j10...")
    fil.Name = sName
End If


     End Sub

     Sub Progress
     x = x + 1
     document.Title = FormatPercent(x / y, 0) & MyTitle
     document.all.ProgBarText.innerText = x & "/" & y
     document.all.ProgBarDone.innerText = String(x, "_")
     document.all.ProgBarToDo.innerText = String(y - x, "_") & "|"
    If x = y Then
     document.all.ProgBarToDo.innerText = ""
    MsgBox "Done"
     End If
     End Sub


<body bgcolor="#D7D7D7">

  <input type="text" name="path">

  <!-- Basic buttons -->
  <input id="BtnGo" type="button" value="Go" onclick="Go">
  <span id="ProgBarText"></span>
  <span id="ProgBarDone" style="background-color: #3399FF"></span>
  <font color="#FFFFFF">
 <span id="ProgBarToDo"style="background-color: #C0C0C0"></span>




我想知道:   - 如何使进度条保持可见并相应更新    而脚本正在处理文件   - 一种方法,包括父文件夹中子文件夹中的文件以及脚本重命名



  <title id="title">Rename</title>
   <SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
    Sub Window_Onload
     window.resizeTo 250, 180
    End Sub
	Set goFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	Dim sSDir : sSDir = "C:\Users\my\Desktop\sections_2_3"

	walkDirIter goFS.GetFolder(sSDir)

	Sub walkDirIter(oDir)
	Dim dicStack : Set dicStack = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	Dim nCur     : nCur         = dicStack.Count
	Set dicStack(nCur) = oDir
	Do Until nCur >= dicStack.Count
    Dim oElm
    For Each oElm In dicStack(nCur).Files
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "apple") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "apple", "a1...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ball") <> 0 Then
			 sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ball", "b2...")
			 oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "cat") <> 0 Then
			 sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "cat", "c3....")
			 oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "dog") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "dog", "d4....")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "elephant") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "elephant", "e5...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "fan") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "fan", "f6...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "guitar") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "guitar", "g7...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "hat") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "hat", "h8....")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ink") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ink", "i9...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "jet") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "jet", "j10...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
    For Each oElm In dicStack(nCur).SubFolders
	 Set dicStack(dicStack.Count) = oElm
     nCur = nCur + 1
	End Sub



<body bgcolor="#D7D7D7">

  <input type="text" name="Path">

  <!-- Basic buttons -->
  <input id="BtnGo" type="button" value="Go" onclick="walkDirIter(oDir)">


我试过这个New Method来跳过分别重复文件夹和子文件夹的相同代码。这种方法简单紧凑。


	Dim str
	set str = Wscript.Arguments

	str = InputBox("Enter the path of the files to be renamed as per e-ctd naming pattern")
	IF str = "" THEN Cancelled

	Set goFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	Dim sSDir : sSDir = str

	walkDirIter goFS.GetFolder(sSDir)

	Sub walkDirIter(oDir)
	Dim dicStack : Set dicStack = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	Dim nCur     : nCur         = dicStack.Count
	Set dicStack(nCur) = oDir
	Do Until nCur >= dicStack.Count
    Dim oElm
    For Each oElm In dicStack(nCur).Files
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "apple") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "apple", "a1...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ball") <> 0 Then
			 sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ball", "b2...")
			 oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "cat") <> 0 Then
			 sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "cat", "c3....")
			 oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "dog") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "dog", "d4....")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "elephant") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "elephant", "e5...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "fan") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "fan", "f6...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "guitar") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "guitar", "g7...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "hat") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "hat", "h8....")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ink") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "ink", "i9...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
		If InStr(Lcase(oElm.Name), "jet") <> 0 Then
			sName = Replace(Lcase(oElm.Name), "jet", "j10...")
			oElm.Name = sName
		End If
    For Each oElm In dicStack(nCur).SubFolders
	 Set dicStack(dicStack.Count) = oElm
     nCur = nCur + 1
	End Sub

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