
时间:2016-08-27 12:29:48

标签: c++ g++ abi vtable virtual-inheritance

编程环境:GNU / Linux 3.19.0-32-generic,x86_64
编译:gcc 4.8.4

segment fault


0000000000400c3c <_ZTv0_n24_N7Derived1fEv>:
  400c3c:       4c 8b 17                mov    (%rdi),%r10
  400c3f:       49 03 7a e8             add    -0x18(%r10),%rdi
  400c43:       eb cd                   jmp    400c12 <_ZN7Derived1fEv>
  400c45:       90                      nop

所以我反汇编了可执行文件 我找到了函数&lt; _ZTv0_n24_N7Derived1fEv&gt;在0x400c3c:

> c++filt _ZTv0_n24_N7Derived1fEv
virtual thunk to Derived::f()


   skeleton code - it won't be this exactly but will
   look like this.
EXTERN(void) jpeg_mem_dest JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
                   unsigned char ** outbuffer,
                   unsigned long * outsize))
   int width, height;
   unsigned char *rgba;

   getimagesize(cinfo, &width, & height);
   rgba = malloc(width * height * 4);

   decompress(cinfo, rgba);

   *outbuffer = rgba;
   *outsize = width * height *4;

然后什么是Derived :: f()的虚拟thunk?它为什么存在?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


Derived *d = new Derived();
// d now points to some address, e.g. 0x6eac40

d->f(); // This calls _ZN7Derived1fEv (Derived::f() directly)

Base *b = d;
// b now points to some other address (!), e.g. 0x6eac50

b->f(); // This calls _ZTv0_n24_N7Derived1fEv (the virtual thunk
        // of Derived::f()), which subtracts some amount from `this`
        // and then jumps to the _ZN7Derived1fEv (Derived::f())


      * Pointer to part of Base vtable with Base's virtual functions.
          This vtable contains Base::f()

      * Data of Base class (variable `x`)


   |> * Pointer to part of Derived vtable with Derived's virtual functions.
   |>     This vtable contains the Derived::f()
|> |> * Pointer to part of Derived vtable with the same layout as Base vtable.
|> |>     This vtable contains the thunk of Derived::f()
|> |>
|> |> * Data of Base class (variable `x`)
|  |>
|  |> * Data of Derived class (variable `y`)
|  |
|  \ This is complete Derived object.
|    The `d` pointer points at the beginning of this.
\ This is the part of Derived object that can act as a Base object.
  The `b` pointer points at beginning of this.


答案 1 :(得分:0)

问题中有一个不清楚的地方。 在“虚拟thunk到Derived :: f()”中,我认为“添加-0x18(%r10),%rdi”无法修复此指针,因为Derive对象的开头与其子对象(Base)之间的偏移量不是24(0x18)。