SBCL运行程序(Stanford Parser)或重定向Unix中的I / O

时间:2016-08-25 23:15:06

标签: common-lisp stanford-nlp named-pipes sbcl

我在SBCL lisp中将斯坦福分析器作为一个子进程产生麻烦:

(defvar *p* (sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/java"
   (list     "-cp"
    :wait nil :input :stream :output :stream :error :output))


(defvar *g* (sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/gnuplot" nil
                                :wait nil
                                :input :stream
                                :output :stream
                                :error :output))



如果有人对此有任何见解,我会很激动。这将是从Lisp内部与Stanford Parser交流的理想方式。否则,我可能有一个完全有效的解决方法,即启动解析器,其输入来自,并输出到文件系统中的命名管道。这必须在上面的命令行选项中发生,因为程序必须处于交互模式(如果解析器不处于交互模式,则解析器会创建不同类型的输出)






1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


我从未使用过standford-parser。所以我将它安装在我的Mac whit homebrew上,然后我可以将它用作命令行:

 2016-08-26 09:04:06 ☆ |ruby-2.2.3@laguna| Antonios-MBP in ~/learn/lisp/cl-l/stackoverflow/scripts
± |master ?:2 ✗| → text.txt
[main] INFO edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser - Loading parser from serialized file edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.ser.gz ...
 done [0.6 sec].
Parsing file: text.txt
Parsing [sent. 1 len. 42]: The strongest rain ever recorded in India shut down the financial hub of Mumbai , snapped communication lines , closed airports and forced thousands of people to sleep in their offices or walk home during the night , officials said today .
        (NP (DT The) (JJS strongest) (NN rain))
          (ADVP (RB ever))
          (VBN recorded)
          (PP (IN in)
            (NP (NNP India)))))
        (VP (VBD shut)
          (PRT (RP down))
            (NP (DT the) (JJ financial) (NN hub))
            (PP (IN of)
              (NP (NNP Mumbai)))))
        (, ,)
        (VP (VBD snapped)
          (NP (NN communication) (NNS lines)))
        (, ,)
        (VP (VBD closed)
          (NP (NNS airports)))
        (CC and)
        (VP (VBD forced)
            (NP (NNS thousands))
            (PP (IN of)
              (NP (NNS people))))
            (VP (TO to)
                (VP (VB sleep)
                  (PP (IN in)
                    (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS offices))))
                (CC or)
                (VP (VB walk)
                  (NP (NN home))
                  (PP (IN during)
                    (NP (DT the) (NN night))))))))))
    (, ,)
    (NP (NNS officials))
    (VP (VBD said)
      (NP (NN today)))
    (. .)))

det(rain-3, The-1)
amod(rain-3, strongest-2)
nsubj(shut-8, rain-3)
nsubj(snapped-16, rain-3)
nsubj(closed-20, rain-3)
nsubj(forced-23, rain-3)
advmod(recorded-5, ever-4)
acl(rain-3, recorded-5)
case(India-7, in-6)
nmod:in(recorded-5, India-7)
ccomp(said-40, shut-8)
compound:prt(shut-8, down-9)
det(hub-12, the-10)
amod(hub-12, financial-11)
dobj(shut-8, hub-12)
case(Mumbai-14, of-13)
nmod:of(hub-12, Mumbai-14)
conj:and(shut-8, snapped-16)
ccomp(said-40, snapped-16)
compound(lines-18, communication-17)
dobj(snapped-16, lines-18)
conj:and(shut-8, closed-20)
ccomp(said-40, closed-20)
dobj(closed-20, airports-21)
cc(shut-8, and-22)
conj:and(shut-8, forced-23)
ccomp(said-40, forced-23)
dobj(forced-23, thousands-24)
nsubj(sleep-28, thousands-24)
nsubj(walk-33, thousands-24)
case(people-26, of-25)
nmod:of(thousands-24, people-26)
mark(sleep-28, to-27)
xcomp(forced-23, sleep-28)
case(offices-31, in-29)
nmod:poss(offices-31, their-30)
nmod:in(sleep-28, offices-31)
cc(sleep-28, or-32)
xcomp(forced-23, walk-33)
conj:or(sleep-28, walk-33)
dobj(walk-33, home-34)
case(night-37, during-35)
det(night-37, the-36)
nmod:during(walk-33, night-37)
nsubj(said-40, officials-39)
root(ROOT-0, said-40)
nmod:tmod(said-40, today-41)

Parsed file: text.txt [1 sentences].
Parsed 42 words in 1 sentences (18.00 wds/sec; 0.43 sents/sec).


 2016-08-26 09:04:24 ☆ |ruby-2.2.3@laguna| Antonios-MBP in ~/learn/lisp/cl-l/stackoverflow/scripts
± |master ?:2 ✗| → cat /usr/local/Cellar/stanford-parser/3.6.0/libexec/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Runs the English PCFG parser on one or more files, printing trees only

if [ ! $# -ge 1 ]; then
  echo Usage: `basename $0` 'file(s)'

scriptdir=`dirname $0`

java -mx150m -cp "$scriptdir/*:" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser \
 -outputFormat "penn,typedDependencies" edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.ser.gz $*



CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'inferior-shell)
To load "inferior-shell":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "inferior-shell"



CL-USER> (inferior-shell:run/ss '(
"Usage: file(s)






CL-USER> (inferior-shell:run/ss '( text.txt))
        (NP (DT The) (JJS strongest) (NN rain))
          (ADVP (RB ever))
          (VBN recorded)
          (PP (IN in)
            (NP (NNP India)))))
        (VP (VBD shut)
          (PRT (RP down))
            (NP (DT the) (JJ financial) (NN hub))
            (PP (IN of)
              (NP (NNP Mumbai)))))
        (, ,)
        (VP (VBD snapped)
          (NP (NN communication) (NNS lines)))
        (, ,)
        (VP (VBD closed)
          (NP (NNS airports)))
        (CC and)
        (VP (VBD forced)
            (NP (NNS thousands))
            (PP (IN of)
              (NP (NNS people))))
            (VP (TO to)
                (VP (VB sleep)
                  (PP (IN in)
                    (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS offices))))
                (CC or)
                (VP (VB walk)
                  (NP (NN home))
                  (PP (IN during)
                    (NP (DT the) (NN night))))))))))
    (, ,)
    (NP (NNS officials))
    (VP (VBD said)
      (NP (NN today)))
    (. .)))

det(rain-3, The-1)
amod(rain-3, strongest-2)
nsubj(shut-8, rain-3)
nsubj(snapped-16, rain-3)
nsubj(closed-20, rain-3)
nsubj(forced-23, rain-3)
advmod(recorded-5, ever-4)
acl(rain-3, recorded-5)
case(India-7, in-6)
nmod:in(recorded-5, India-7)
ccomp(said-40, shut-8)
compound:prt(shut-8, down-9)
det(hub-12, the-10)
amod(hub-12, financial-11)
dobj(shut-8, hub-12)
case(Mumbai-14, of-13)
nmod:of(hub-12, Mumbai-14)
conj:and(shut-8, snapped-16)
ccomp(said-40, snapped-16)
compound(lines-18, communication-17)
dobj(snapped-16, lines-18)
conj:and(shut-8, closed-20)
ccomp(said-40, closed-20)
dobj(closed-20, airports-21)
cc(shut-8, and-22)
conj:and(shut-8, forced-23)
ccomp(said-40, forced-23)
dobj(forced-23, thousands-24)
nsubj(sleep-28, thousands-24)
nsubj(walk-33, thousands-24)
case(people-26, of-25)
nmod:of(thousands-24, people-26)
mark(sleep-28, to-27)
xcomp(forced-23, sleep-28)
case(offices-31, in-29)
nmod:poss(offices-31, their-30)
nmod:in(sleep-28, offices-31)
cc(sleep-28, or-32)
xcomp(forced-23, walk-33)
conj:or(sleep-28, walk-33)
dobj(walk-33, home-34)
case(night-37, during-35)
det(night-37, the-36)
nmod:during(walk-33, night-37)
nsubj(said-40, officials-39)
root(ROOT-0, said-40)
nmod:tmod(said-40, today-41)


CL-USER> (multiple-value-list (inferior-shell:run/ss '( text.txt)))
        (NP (DT The) (JJS strongest) (NN rain))
          (ADVP (RB ever))
          (VBN recorded)
          (PP (IN in)
            (NP (NNP India)))))
        (VP (VBD shut)
          (PRT (RP down))
            (NP (DT the) (JJ financial) (NN hub))
            (PP (IN of)
              (NP (NNP Mumbai)))))
        (, ,)
        (VP (VBD snapped)
          (NP (NN communication) (NNS lines)))
        (, ,)
        (VP (VBD closed)
          (NP (NNS airports)))
        (CC and)
        (VP (VBD forced)
            (NP (NNS thousands))
            (PP (IN of)
              (NP (NNS people))))
            (VP (TO to)
                (VP (VB sleep)
                  (PP (IN in)
                    (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS offices))))
                (CC or)
                (VP (VB walk)
                  (NP (NN home))
                  (PP (IN during)
                    (NP (DT the) (NN night))))))))))
    (, ,)
    (NP (NNS officials))
    (VP (VBD said)
      (NP (NN today)))
    (. .)))

det(rain-3, The-1)
amod(rain-3, strongest-2)
nsubj(shut-8, rain-3)
nsubj(snapped-16, rain-3)
nsubj(closed-20, rain-3)
nsubj(forced-23, rain-3)
advmod(recorded-5, ever-4)
acl(rain-3, recorded-5)
case(India-7, in-6)
nmod:in(recorded-5, India-7)
ccomp(said-40, shut-8)
compound:prt(shut-8, down-9)
det(hub-12, the-10)
amod(hub-12, financial-11)
dobj(shut-8, hub-12)
case(Mumbai-14, of-13)
nmod:of(hub-12, Mumbai-14)
conj:and(shut-8, snapped-16)
ccomp(said-40, snapped-16)
compound(lines-18, communication-17)
dobj(snapped-16, lines-18)
conj:and(shut-8, closed-20)
ccomp(said-40, closed-20)
dobj(closed-20, airports-21)
cc(shut-8, and-22)
conj:and(shut-8, forced-23)
ccomp(said-40, forced-23)
dobj(forced-23, thousands-24)
nsubj(sleep-28, thousands-24)
nsubj(walk-33, thousands-24)
case(people-26, of-25)
nmod:of(thousands-24, people-26)
mark(sleep-28, to-27)
xcomp(forced-23, sleep-28)
case(offices-31, in-29)
nmod:poss(offices-31, their-30)
nmod:in(sleep-28, offices-31)
cc(sleep-28, or-32)
xcomp(forced-23, walk-33)
conj:or(sleep-28, walk-33)
dobj(walk-33, home-34)
case(night-37, during-35)
det(night-37, the-36)
nmod:during(walk-33, night-37)
nsubj(said-40, officials-39)
root(ROOT-0, said-40)
nmod:tmod(said-40, today-41)
" NIL 0)

请记住,这个程序使用java 8,而我正在使用standford-parser 3.6.0