检查Excel VBA中是否存在一系列单元格中的图像

时间:2016-08-23 16:32:00

标签: excel excel-vba vba



Sub findImage(Cell As Range)
   Dim Caddress As String
   Dim Pict As Excel.Picture
   Caddress = Cell.Address 'Assign the range
   For Each Pict In ActiveSheet.Pictures 'Check for each picture in the range
      If Pict.TopLeftCell.Address = Caddress Then 'if exists in the range shows a message
        MsgBox "The image exists!"
         Exit For 'break for
         Exit Sub 'break sub
      End If
   Next Pict
   MsgBox "NO", vbInformation 'if not exists shows a message
End Sub

此代码不起作用,这显示错误"不兼容的类型Err。 13"


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Sub findImage(Cel As Range)
Dim Caddress As String
Dim shp    As Shape
Dim haveImage As Boolean

haveImage = False

' Sheets("Sheet1").Activate
Caddress = Cel.Address      'Assign the range
For Each shp In Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes    'Check for each picture in the range
    If shp.Type = msoPicture Then
        If shp.TopLeftCell.Address = Caddress Then    'if exists in the range shows a message
            haveImage = True
            Exit Sub             'break sub
        End If
    End If
Next shp

If haveImage Then
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "NO", vbInformation    'if not exists shows a message
End If
End Sub

要使用此功能,您可以这样称呼它:Call findimage(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C12"))

注意:如果单元格中有的图片有该图片的左上角,则在单元格中,它将返回" No&#34 ;