我将以下代码放入具有类格式的tkinter窗口时遇到困难。 当前形式的代码从Arduino板读取数据并连续绘制到两个单独的图形上。我有兴趣将它放入Tkinter GUI,以便我可以操作数据并最终添加新功能并构建应用程序。
import serial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import gridspec
import plotly.plotly as py
connected = False
comPort = 'COM4'
ser = serial.Serial(comPort, 9600) #sets up serial connection (make sure baud rate is correct - matches Arduino)
while not connected:
serin = ser.read()
connected = True
plt.ion() #sets plot to animation mode
length = 10 #determines length of data taking session (in data points)
x = [0]*length #create empty variable of length of test
y = [0]*length
z = [0]*length
fig = plt.figure()
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(7, 7) #sets up grid space
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0]) #determines location of graph
ax1.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) #Hides x,y axis
ax1.set_ylim([1,30]) #this is how to set the yaxis
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,5]) #determines location of graph
xline, = ax1.plot(x) #sets up future lines to be modified
yline, = ax2.plot(y)
for i in range(10000): #while you are taking data
data = ser.readline() #reads until it gets a carriage return. MAKE SURE THERE IS A CARRIAGE RETURN OR IT READS FOREVER
sep = data.split() #splits string into a list at the tabs
x.append(int(sep[0])) #add new value as int to current list
del x[0]
del y[0]
xline.set_xdata(np.arange(len(x))) #sets xdata to new list length .. code works without this
xline.set_ydata(x) #sets ydata to new list
plt.pause(0.001) #in seconds
plt.show() #draws new plot
ser.close() #closes serial connection (very important to his into the cmd line to close the connection)