。 。我再一次寻求帮助就是坏了 - 希望这些代码+任何可能的答案都会对社区有所帮助。
。 。所以我试图制作一个允许我安全地为lhs分配选项的方法,例如:
var cool_variable = risky_optional!
。 。起初,我以为我成功了,因为一切都很完美......然后在我的第四轮测试中,我得到了一个
。 。我花了很多时间来尝试重构和返工,但我意识到我对泛型,任何和可选项的理解并不具体 - 尽管我做的是学习和实践,但我时不时地尝试做一些不起作用的事情。
>> Here's a screenshot of the func, all nice and pretty in XCODE if that's your thing <<
>> And here is the implementation in XCODE <<
Safely assign the lhs to this call--the value of $0?, or a default.
- Don't include ? or ! in the parameter
func safeAssign <ReturnType> (value_to_return: ReturnType?)
-> ReturnType {
// Ensure safety
guard value_to_return != nil
else {
// Entry: found nil
print ("SA() -> 1 : SR: $0 was nil! Can't assign to lhs")
// -Value is irrelevant at this point
// -switch (value_to_return) would be confusing
let type = value_to_return
switch ( type ) {
case is Int?:
print("SA() -> 2.1: assigning lhs to default Int >0<")
return 0 as! ReturnType
case is String?:
print("SA() -> 2.2: assigning lhs to default String")
return "" as! ReturnType
// In case our switch breaks, we will know why it crashes
print("SA() -> 2.0: No cases found--RTE incoming")
// Should force crash, but at least I'll know exactly why
return type!
// Let's get out of here safely ;)
print("SA() -> Exit: Successfully Assigned lhs to \(value_to_return!)")
return value_to_return!
// Testing:
// Optional for test 1-2
var int_opty : Int? = 5
// Soon to be safe-assigned
var zizzle = 0
// Safe assign to 5
print ("\n SA Test 1:")
zizzle = safeAssign(int_opty)
// Will cause a non-safe-assignment to force unwrap nil
int_opty = nil
// Safely assign to default value, instead of unwrapping nil
print ("\n SA Test2:")
zizzle = safeAssign(int_opty)
print(">>>>>>>>>> Zizzle is \(zizzle)")
// Optional for test 3-4
var str_opty : String? = "five"
// Soon to be safe-assigned
var zazzle = "zero"
// Safe assign to 5
print ("\n SA Test 3:")
zazzle = safeAssign(str_opty)
// Will cause a non-safe-assignment to force unwrap nil
str_opty = nil
// Safely assign to default value, instead of unwrapping nil
print ("\n SA Test 4:")
zazzle = safeAssign(str_opty)
print ("3: Zazzle is \(zazzle)")
SA Test 1:
SR -> Exit: Successfully Assigned lhs to 5
SA Test2:
SR -> 1 : SR: $0 was nil! Can't assign to lhs
SR -> 2.1: assigning lhs to default Int >0<
>>>>>>>>>> Zizzle is 0
SA Test 3:
SR -> Exit: Successfully Assigned lhs to five
SA Test 4:
SR -> 1 : SR: $0 was nil! Can't assign to lhs
SR -> 2.1: assigning lhs to default Int >0<
Could not cast value of type 'Swift.Int' (0x105c52190) to 'Swift.String' (0x105c584d8).
。 。所以我看到它挂起的地方,尝试用If / Guard语句替换switch,尝试使用Any,Optional&lt;&gt;以及其他一些无处可寻的方法...我无法让它工作,并且觉得在我对Swift的了解
中,我现在只是在键盘上敲打我的头。 。我真的不需要这种方法,(因为我试图成为一名优秀的设计师,哈哈),但是保存一些空白总是好的,如果我在大多数作业中使用它,那么应该是一个小小的bug以后,它可能会纠正自己(比如在循环或更新周期中)而不是崩溃程序。
。 。那,即使我确定Try / Catch的某些东西可以工作......我想弄清楚为什么这个不能运行所以我可以学习并成为一个更好的编码器。
和平与祝福! -Fluid答案 0 :(得分:3)
zazzle = str_opty ?? ""
switch ReturnType.self {
case is Int.Type:
print("SR -> 2.1: assigning lhs to default Int >0<")
return 0 as! ReturnType
case is String.Type:
print("SR -> 2.2: assigning lhs to default String")
return "" as! ReturnType
// In case our switch breaks, we will know why it crashes
print("SR -> 2.0: No cases found--RTE incoming")
func f<T>(x: T?) {
print(x is Bool?)
print(x is Int?)
print(x is NSNumberFormatter?)
print(x is NSURLSessionDelegate?)
let a: String? = nil