
时间:2016-08-23 10:08:34

标签: haskell


acceptReuqest PendingConnection返回Connection

fst <$> accept SocketSocket

所以,我试过跟随.. 为NetworkConn

创建Socket, Connection, PendingConnection
class NetworkConn sock where
  accept :: (NetworkConn myconn) => sock -> IO myconn

instance NetworkConn NS.Socket where
  accept sock    = fst <$> NS.accept sock

instance NetworkConn WS.Connection where
  accept sock    = error "Not allowed"

acceptReuqest PendingConnection返回Connection

instance NetworkConn WS.PendingConnection where
  accept sock = WS.acceptRequest sock


Couldn't match type ‘myconn’ with ‘NS.Socket’
      ‘myconn’ is a rigid type variable bound by
               the type signature for
                 acceptC :: NetworkConn myconn => NS.Socket -> IO myconn
               at src/HChat/Network.hs:21:3
    Expected type: IO
                     (myconn, network-
      Actual type: IO
                     (NS.Socket, network-
    Relevant bindings include
      acceptC :: NS.Socket -> IO myconn
        (bound at src/HChat/Network.hs:21:3)
    In the second argument of ‘(<$>)’, namely ‘NS.accept sock’
    In the expression: fst <$> NS.accept sock

Couldn't match type ‘myconn’ with ‘WS.Connection’
      ‘myconn’ is a rigid type variable bound by
               the type signature for
                 acceptC :: NetworkConn myconn => WS.PendingConnection -> IO myconn
               at src/HChat/Network.hs:31:3
    Expected type: IO myconn
      Actual type: IO WS.Connection
    Relevant bindings include
      acceptC :: WS.PendingConnection -> IO myconn
        (bound at src/HChat/Network.hs:31:3)

我开始阅读class并且无法理解为什么会出现错误。 我想这是一个语法错误,但无法弄清楚。请帮忙。



class CandidateConn c where
  acceptC :: (NetworkConn s) => c -> IO s

class NetworkConn sock where
  send :: sock -> C.ByteString -> IO ()
  recv :: sock -> IO C.ByteString
  accept :: (CandidateConn conn) => conn -> IO sock

instance NetworkConn NS.Socket where
  send sock text = void $ NSB.send sock text
  recv sock      = NSB.recv sock 1024
  accept c       = acceptC c

instance CandidateConn NS.Socket where
  acceptC sock = fst <$> NS.accept sock


Couldn't match type ‘s’ with ‘NS.Socket’
      ‘s’ is a rigid type variable bound by
          the type signature for
            acceptC :: NetworkConn s => NS.Socket -> IO s
          at src/HChat/Network.hs:29:3
    Expected type: IO
                     (s, network-
      Actual type: IO
                     (NS.Socket, network-
    Relevant bindings include
      acceptC :: NS.Socket -> IO s (bound at src/HChat/Network.hs:29:3)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


class NetworkConn sock where
  accept :: (NetworkConn myconn) => sock -> IO myconn





除此之外缺少class NetworkConn sock where type AcceptedConn sock :: * accept :: sock -> IO (AcceptedConn sock) 的{​​{1}}约束。我很难找到正确的语法来表达这一点,目前无法进行语法检查,但你可以试试这个:






答案 1 :(得分:1)


class NetworkConn sock where
  accept :: sock -> IO sock



class CandidateConn sock where
  -- some methods
class NetworkConn sock where
  accept :: CandidateConn c => c -> IO sock

答案 2 :(得分:1)

#haskell irc频道的高贵灵魂{As}建议使用https://wiki.haskell.org/Multi-parameter_type_class


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module HChat.Network where

-- For Network.Socket library
import qualified Network.Socket as NS (Socket, accept)
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as NSB (send, recv)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C

-- For WebSockets library
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS

import Control.Monad (void)

class NetworkConn sock conn where
  send :: conn -> C.ByteString -> IO ()
  recv :: conn -> IO C.ByteString
  accept :: sock -> IO conn

instance NetworkConn NS.Socket NS.Socket where
  send conn text = void $ NSB.send conn text
  recv conn      = NSB.recv conn 1024
  accept sock    = fst <$> NS.accept sock

instance NetworkConn WS.PendingConnection WS.Connection where
  send sock text = WS.sendTextData sock text
  recv sock      = WS.receiveData sock
  accept sock    = WS.acceptRequest sock