
时间:2016-08-22 11:13:40

标签: stata



margins, at(HealthStatus=(1(1)4)) predict(outcome(1))


xtoprobit Ages HealthStatus ChildSex Family1 Family2 FatherPresent MotherPresent FatherEducation MotherEducation Location Income, iterate(0)


set more off
local dir "/Users/user/Documents/STATISTICS/"
local datasave "Output/"
local slash "/"

********FLS1 & FLS2************

forvalues i=1/2 {
  local p = "FLS`i'"
  foreach j of local p {
    if "`j'" == "FLS1" {
      use `dir'`datasave'FLS`i'`slash'merge0, clear
    else {
      merge m:m pidlink using `dir'`datasave'FLS`i'`slash'merge0
      keep if _merge==3
      drop _merge
duplicates drop pidlink, force
drop hhid*
save `dir'`datasave'respFLS12, replace

forvalues i=1/2 {
    use `dir'`datasave'respFLS12, clear
  merge m:m pidlink using `dir'`datasave'FLS`i'`slash'merge_panel
  keep if _merge==3
  drop _merge hhid*
  duplicates drop pidlink, force
  gen year = `i'
  save `dir'`datasave'FLS`i', replace

forvalues i=1/2 {
  local p = "FLS`i'"
  foreach j of local p {
    if "`j'" == "FLS1" {
      use `dir'`datasave'FLS`i', clear
    else {
      append using `dir'`datasave'FLS`i'

save `dir'`datasave'panel1, replace

********FLS3 & FLS4************

forvalues i=3/4 {
  local p = "FLS`i'"
  foreach j of local p {
    if "`j'" == "FLS3" {
      use `dir'`datasave'FLS`i'`slash'merge0, clear
    else {
      merge m:m pidlink using `dir'`datasave'FLS`i'`slash'merge0
      keep if _merge==3
      drop _merge
duplicates drop pidlink, force
drop hhid*
save `dir'`datasave'respFLS34, replace

forvalues i=3/4 {
    use `dir'`datasave'respFLS34, clear
  merge m:m pidlink using `dir'`datasave'FLS`i'`slash'merge_panel
  keep if _merge==3
  drop _merge hhid*
  duplicates drop pidlink, force
  gen year = `i'
  save `dir'`datasave'FLS`i', replace

forvalues i=3/4 {
  local p = "FLS`i'"
  foreach j of local p {
    if "`j'" == "FLS3" {
      use `dir'`datasave'FLS`i', clear
    else {
      append using `dir'`datasave'FLS`i'

save `dir'`datasave'panel2, replace


forvalues i=1/2 {
    use `dir'`datasave'panel`i', clear
  encode pidlink, gen(id)
  duplicates report id year
  duplicates drop id year, force
  xtset id year

  xtoprobit Ages HealthStatus ChildSex Family1 Family2 FatherPresent MotherPresent FatherEducation MotherEducation Location Income, iterate(0)
  margins, at(HealthStatus=(1(1)4)) predict(outcome(1))
  margins, at(HealthStatus=(1(1)4)) predict(outcome(2))
  margins, at(HealthStatus=(1(1)4)) predict(outcome(3))
  margins, at(HealthStatus=(1(1)4)) predict(outcome(4))

  margins, at(ChildSex =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(1))
  margins, at(ChildSex =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(2))
  margins, at(ChildSex =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(3))
  margins, at(ChildSex =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(4))

  margins, at(FatherPresent =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(1))
  margins, at(FatherPresent =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(2))
  margins, at(FatherPresent =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(3))
  margins, at(FatherPresent =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(4))

  margins, at(MotherPresent =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(1))
  margins, at(MotherPresent =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(2))
  margins, at(MotherPresent =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(3))
  margins, at(MotherPresent =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(4))

  margins, at(FatherEducation =(1(1)6)) predict(outcome(1))
  margins, at(FatherEducation =(1(1)6)) predict(outcome(2))
  margins, at(FatherEducation =(1(1)6)) predict(outcome(3))
  margins, at(FatherEducation =(1(1)6)) predict(outcome(4))

  margins, at(MotherEducation =(1(1)6)) predict(outcome(1))
  margins, at(MotherEducation =(1(1)6)) predict(outcome(2))
  margins, at(MotherEducation =(1(1)6)) predict(outcome(3))
  margins, at(MotherEducation =(1(1)6)) predict(outcome(4))

  margins, at(Location =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(1))
  margins, at(Location =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(2))
  margins, at(Location =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(3))
  margins, at(Location =(0(1)1)) predict(outcome(4))

  outreg2 using `dir'`datasave'panel`i', excel replace
  save `dir'`datasave'panel`i', replace

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

请在此处学习rest calls以获取有关好问题的建议。您的示例无法重现,因为我们无法访问您的数据。此外,完整代码包含许多几乎肯定无关紧要的细节,并使用无法解释的用户编写的程序(outreg2)。

r(198)表示语法错误,但对我来说没有这样的错误。相反,这在Stata 14.1中运行没有错误:

webuse tvsfpors, clear
xtset school
xtoprobit thk prethk 
margins, at(prethk = (0(1)6)) predict(outcome(1))


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  2. 检查代码是否显示完全您键入的内容。