
时间:2016-08-21 22:21:42

标签: list applescript adobe-indesign finder

我一直在关注Adobe InDesign CS6 AppleScript脚本编写指南,我正在尝试更改我已设置的文本。

目前它可行,但它只会更改确切的字符串" Apple"到" Pear"

是否可以将findword设置为字符串列表,例如" apple"," fruit"。 我试过把它作为一个列表,但得到了这个错误  "设置属性的值无效'找到'。预期的字符串或没有,


现在,如果发生任何事情" Apple"像Apple123一样,它会改变为#34; Pear123"。我需要它来清除文本框并将changeWord放在文本框中



set findWord to "Apple"
--establish text for change
set changeWord to "Pear"

tell application "Finder" to set indesignFiles to (files of folder "test1" whose name extension is "indd") as alias list

tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2015"
     open indesignFiles

    --Clear find text preferences
    set find text preferences to nothing
    --Clear change text preferences
    set change text preferences to nothing
    --establish properties for find
    set find what of find text preferences to findWord
    --establish properties for change
    set change to of change text preferences to changeWord
    --perform change text operation
    tell document 1
    change text
end tell
    set find text preferences to nothing
    set change text preferences to nothing

    if modified of active document is true then
        tell active document to save
    end if

    tell active document
        export format PDF type to "Macintosh HD:Users:mattsocha:Desktop:Test1:test.pdf" without showing options
    end tell

end tell 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


set findWord to "(apple|pear|peach|banana)\\w*"
set changeWord to "fruit"

tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2015"

set find grep preferences to nothing
set change grep preferences to nothing

set find what of find grep preferences to findWord
set change to of change grep preferences to changeWord

tell document 1
    change grep
end tell

set find grep preferences to nothing
set change grep preferences to nothing

end tell