function fadeOutThing(speed, callback) {
$('div').parent().fadeOut(speed, function() {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
function OtherThing() {
fadeOutThing(5000, OtherThing);
我真正想要的是,该回调函数有自己的参数,可以是另一个回调函数,如下所示。问题是,当我这样做时,日志将在动画完成之前显示:Here's the fiddle
function fadeOutThing(speed, callback) {
$('div').parent().fadeOut(speed, function() {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
function OtherThing(stuff) {
console.log("hello" + stuff); //This displays too soon!
fadeOutThing(5000, OtherThing(' stuffsss'));
答案 0 :(得分:1)
fadeOutThing(5000, function() {
OtherThing(' stuffsss'));
答案 1 :(得分:0)
fadeOutThing(5000, OtherThing.bind(this,' stuffsss'));
答案 2 :(得分:0)
<sec id="sec1">
<para>In addition, many of you will be glad to hear that <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn1">(1)</xref> Visual Basic is now a fully object-oriented programming language <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn3">(3)</xref>-<xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn5">(5)</xref>, with the inclusion of the long sought-after class inheritance, as well as other OOP features.</para>
<para>In this chapter, you'll see how Visual Basic has evolved eq. <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn1">1</xref> into the VB .NET language of today and get some sense of how and why VB .NET is different from previous versions of Visual Basic.</para>
<sec id="sec1a">
<para>How had I ever managed living without him?
<disp-formula id="deqn1-2">$$\phi=a+b-c^2$$</disp-formula></para>
<para>Gideon Cross. <xref ref-type="figure" rid="fig2">Figure 2</xref>, table 3.</para>
<para>This chapter surveys some of the new features of the .NET Framework <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn2">(2)</xref>, <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn5">(5)</xref> that most impact the VB developer. These include namespaces, the Common Language Runtime (CLR), and assemblies.</para>
<para>The third and final section, Part III, consists of the following appendixes:
<disp-formula id="deqn3-5">$$m=a+b-c$$</disp-formula>
<sec id="sec2">
<disp-formula id="deqn6">$$\cal {X}=y=1$$</disp-formula>
<para>The switch…case Statement.</para>
<para>A discussion of language changes <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn6">(6)</xref> from VB 6 to VB .NET.</para>
<para>A list of VB .NET intrinsic constants, as well as VB .NET enumerations and their members.</para>
<sec id="sec1">
<para>In addition, many of you will be glad to hear that <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn1-2">(1)</xref> Visual Basic is now a fully object-oriented programming language <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn3-5">(3)</xref> and <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn3-5">(5)</xref>, with the inclusion of the long sought-after class inheritance, as well as other OOP features.</para>
<para>In this chapter, you'll see how Visual Basic has evolved eq. <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn1-2">1</xref> into the VB .NET language of today and get some sense of how and why VB .NET is different from previous versions of Visual Basic.</para>
<sec id="sec1a">
<para>How had I ever managed living without him?
<disp-formula id="deqn1-2">$$\phi=a+b-c^2$$</disp-formula></para>
<para>Gideon Cross. <xref ref-type="figure" rid="fig2">Figure 2</xref>, table 3.</para>
<para>This chapter surveys some of the new features of the .NET Framework <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn1-2">(2)</xref>, <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn3-5">(5)</xref> that most impact the VB developer. These include namespaces, the Common Language Runtime (CLR), and assemblies.</para>
<para>The third and final section, Part III, consists of the following appendixes:
<disp-formula id="deqn3-5">$$m=a+b-c$$</disp-formula>
<sec id="sec2">
<disp-formula id="deqn6">$$\cal {X}=y=1$$</disp-formula>
<para>The switch…case Statement.</para>
<para>A discussion of language changes <xref ref-type="disp-formula" rid="deqn6">(6)</xref> from VB 6 to VB .NET.</para>
<para>A list of VB .NET intrinsic constants, as well as VB .NET enumerations and their members.</para>
Dim targetDirectory As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim txtFilesArray As String() = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory, "*.txt")
For Each txtFile In txtFilesArray
Dim input As String = File.ReadAllText(txtFile)
Dim disp As New Regex("<disp-formula id=""deqn(\d+)-(\d+)"">")
Dim match As Match = disp.Match(input)
If disp.Matches() Then
Dim a As Integer = match.Groups(1).Value
Dim b As Integer = match.Groups(2).Value
For Each c=a to b in input
Dim xref As New Regex("<xref[^>]+rid=""(?<id>deqn\d+-\d+)""[^>]*>(?<content>[^<]+)</xref>")
Dim result As String = xref.Replace(input, Function(xyz)
End Function)
File.WriteAllText(txtFile, result)
End If
fadeOutThing(5000, OtherThing(' stuffsss'));
或者第二个选项是使用bind - bind在给定this和给定属性的情况下创建新函数:
fadeOutThing(5000, notDeclaredNothing); //undefined variable