无法初始化\ AsyncMysqlQueryResult对象

时间:2016-08-18 14:27:44

标签: mysql hhvm

我想简单地初始化\AsyncMysqlConnectionResult $connec;对象


namespace Connection;


 * Class for execute and fetch query
class MyQuery
 * if connection isn't valid recreate pool
private ?\AsyncMysqlConnectionPool $pool;

 * \AsyncMysqlConnection object, store $conn
private \AsyncMysqlConnection $connec;

 * \AsyncMysqlQueryReturn object, store return query
private \AsyncMysqlQueryResult $result;

 * check if $conn object isValid(), if not release
 * connection
public function __construct(\AsyncMysqlConnection $conn)
    if ($conn->isValid() == false)
        $this->pool = new MyPool();
        $this->connec = $this->pool->connect();
        $this->connec = $conn;

    $this->result = object;

 * escape query and execute it
public async function query(string $query): Awaitable<\AsyncMysqlQueryResult>
    $query = $this->connec->escapeString($query);
    echo "Query escape\n";

    /* Try to execute the query, if fail display error */
        $this->result = await $this->connec->query($query);
        //log request with ini
    catch (Exception $e)
        echo "Couldn't execute the request, error with message :<br>";
        //log request with fail

    echo "Query done succefully\n";
    return $this->result;

 * escape Map array and execute the request
public async function queryf(HH\FormatString<HH\SQLFormatter> $query, array<string> $params): Awaitable<\AsyncMysqlQueryResult>
    $i = 0;

    while ($params[$i++])
        $params[$i] = $this->connec->escapeString($params[$i]);

    /* Try to execute the query, if fail display error */
        $result = await $this->connec->queryf($query, implode(', ', $params));
        //log request with ini
    catch (Exception $e)
        echo "Couldn't execute the request, error with message :<br>";
        //log request with fail

    echo "Query done succefully\n";
    return $this->result;

newtype AsyncMysqlConnectionResult = object;
newtype FormatString<T> = string;

async function simple_query(\AsyncMysqlConnection $conn): Awaitable<Vector>
    $connec = new MyQuery($conn);
    $ret = await $connec->query('SELECT * FROM users');
    return $ret->vectorRows();

function run_query(\AsyncMysqlConnection $conn): void
    $r = \HH\Asio\join(simple_query($conn));

run_query($ conn);在

为了拥有这个对象,我使用https://docs.hhvm.com/hack/reference/class/AsyncMysqlConnectionPool/connect/类和connect()方法来实现:\ AsyncMysqlConnectionResult $ connec object。

我无法找到初始化此变量类型的方法,我尝试过 创建newtype AsyncMysqlConnectionResult = object但filechecker返回给我: Unbound name: Connection\object (an object type)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public async function query(string $query): Awaitable<\AsyncMysqlQueryResult>
    $query = $this->connec->escapeString($query);
    return await $this->connec->query($query);


private ?\AsyncMysqlQueryResult $result;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


public async function queryf($query, array<int, string> $params): Awaitable<\AsyncMysqlQueryResult>
    $result = "";

    /* Try to execute the query, if fail display error */
    try // execute query
        $result = await $this->connec->queryf($query, implode(', ', $params));

        // If log_request === TRUE log request with ini
        if ($this->log_request === TRUE)
            await $this->logRequest($query, 0);
    catch (Exception $e) // If the query can't be execute display error
        echo "\nCouldn't execute the request, error with message :<br>\n";
        //log request with fail

        await $this->logRequest((string)$query, -1);
    return (object)$result;

我没有错误,一切正常。 如果有人有更好的解决方案我就在这里。