创建一个在Excel-VBA 2016中随机化非数字值的模块

时间:2016-08-18 11:47:29

标签: excel vba excel-vba excel-2016




图片1:enter link description here

图片2:enter link description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这样做 - 它对可用员工的数量是灵活的(可以是10,可以是50!)但它确实假设了3件事:

  1. 员工列表从第3行开始,此列表中没有空格
  2. 周一至周五C列至L列
  3. 第一行将指示它是AM还是PM班次
  4. 选项明确

    Sub Work_timetables()
    Dim c As Integer, R As Long, iEmployees As Long, ID As String, iField As Integer, bAM As Boolean, lRandomNumber As Long, iNumbersNeeded As Integer, iPicked As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    c = 3
    R = 2
    iField = 1
    iEmployees = Range("B3:B" & Range("B3").End(xlDown).Row).Rows.Count
    Do Until c > 12
        Range("C2:L" & iEmployees + 2).AutoFilter Field:=iField, Criteria1:="Yes"
        Range("B3:B" & Range("B3").End(xlDown).Row).Copy
        Cells(iEmployees + 4, c).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Range("C2:L" & iEmployees).AutoFilter
        c = c + 1
        iField = iField + 1
    c = 3
    Do Until c > 12
        If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
            bAM = False
            iNumbersNeeded = 3
        End If
        If Not c Mod 2 = 0 Then
            bAM = True
            iNumbersNeeded = 4
        End If
        If (Cells(1048563, c).End(xlUp).Row - (iEmployees + 3)) < iNumbersNeeded Then
            MsgBox "There isn't enough emplooyees available for the " & Cells(2, c).Value & " (" & Cells(1, c).Value & ") shift" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Moving to next shift", vbOKOnly, "Short staffed!"
            c = c + 1
            GoTo Start
        End If
        Do Until iPicked = iNumbersNeeded
            lRandomNumber = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(iEmployees + 4, Cells(iEmployees + 4, c).End(xlDown).Row)
            If Trim(Range("B" & lRandomNumber).Value) = "" Then
                Range("B" & lRandomNumber).Value = "Picked"
                Cells(Range("C" & iEmployees + 4).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + iEmployees + 6 + iPicked, c).Value = Cells(lRandomNumber, c)
                iPicked = iPicked + 1
                    GoTo goLoop
            End If
        Range("B" & iEmployees + 4 & ":B" & Range("C" & iEmployees + 4).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + iEmployees + 4).ClearContents
        c = c + 1
        iPicked = 0
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    enter image description here