将Ord实例添加到' singleton'包生成的自然

时间:2016-08-17 16:55:36

标签: haskell dependent-type template-haskell singleton-type


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, KindSignatures, DataKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, InstanceSigs #-}

module Functions where

import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Promotion.Prelude

singletons [d|
             data Nat = Z | S Nat
               deriving Eq

             instance Ord Nat where
               (<=)    Z     _  = True
               (<=) (S _)    Z  = False
               (<=) (S n) (S m) = n <= m


    Couldn't match kind ‘Nat’ with ‘*’
    When matching types
      n0 :: Nat
      t1 :: *
    Expected type: Sing t1
      Actual type: Sing n0
    Relevant bindings include
      n_a9na :: Sing n0 (bound at src/Functions.hs:10:1)
      lambda :: Sing n0 -> Sing m0 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (:<=$) t00) t10)
        (bound at src/Functions.hs:10:1)
    In the second argument of ‘applySing’, namely ‘n_a9na’
    In the first argument of ‘applySing’, namely
      ‘applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:<=$)) (%:<=)) n_a9na’

    Could not deduce (SOrd 'KProxy) arising from a use of ‘%:<=’
    from the context (t00 ~ 'S n)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 SS :: forall (z_a9mg :: Nat) (n_a9mh :: Nat).
                       (z_a9mg ~ 'S n_a9mh) =>
                       Sing n_a9mh -> Sing z_a9mg,
               in an equation for ‘%:<=’
      at src/Functions.hs:(10,1)-(18,15)
    or from (t10 ~ 'S n1)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 SS :: forall (z_a9mg :: Nat) (n_a9mh :: Nat).
                       (z_a9mg ~ 'S n_a9mh) =>
                       Sing n_a9mh -> Sing z_a9mg,
               in an equation for ‘%:<=’
      at src/Functions.hs:(10,1)-(18,15)
    or from (t00 ~ Apply SSym0 n0, t10 ~ Apply SSym0 m0)
      bound by the type signature for
                 lambda_a9n9 :: (t00 ~ Apply SSym0 n0, t10 ~ Apply SSym0 m0) =>
                                Sing n0 -> Sing m0 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (:<=$) t00) t10)
      at src/Functions.hs:(10,1)-(18,15)
    In the second argument of ‘singFun2’, namely ‘(%:<=)’
    In the first argument of ‘applySing’, namely
      ‘singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:<=$)) (%:<=)’
    In the first argument of ‘applySing’, namely
      ‘applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:<=$)) (%:<=)) n_a9na’


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


singletons [d| data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Eq,Ord) |]


singletons [d|
              data Nat = Z | S Nat
                 deriving (Eq)

              instance Ord Nat where
                compare = compare'

              compare' :: Nat -> Nat -> Ordering
              compare' Z Z  = EQ
              compare' (S _) Z = GT
              compare' Z (S _) = LT
              compare' (S n) (S m) = compare' n m

顺便说一下,我在这里使用GHC 8.0。



instance PEq (Proxy :: Proxy Nat_a7Vb) where
  type (:==) (a_a8Rs :: Nat_a7Vb) (b_a8Rt :: Nat_a7Vb) = Equals_1627424016_a8Rr a_a8Rs b_a8Rt

instance POrd (Proxy :: Proxy Nat_a7Vb) where
  type (:<=) (a_aa9e :: Nat_a7Vb) (a_aa9f :: Nat_a7Vb) = Apply (Apply TFHelper_1627428966Sym0 a_aa9e) a_aa9f


Expecting one more argument to ‘Proxy’
Expected kind ‘Proxy Nat_a7Vb’, but ‘Proxy’ has kind ‘k0 -> *’

(Proxy :: Proxy Nat_a7Vb)PEq类中的POrd相关。没有-XPolyKinds,这将无法编译。检查了singletons的回购,确实它告诉您需要启用-XTypeInType,然后启用-XPolyKinds

所以,没有错误,您只需要添加PolyKindsTypeInType(我推荐后者,因为这是包推荐的内容......)到{{1} pragma让一切运转起来。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

使用提升的布尔关系is never comfortable。布尔人会删除你对学习感兴趣的信息,当你想对测试结果做任何事情时,你就会陷入困境。说不,孩子们。

有更好的方法。 &#34; n小于或等于m&#34;是命题,可以证明具有信息丰富的证据。证明一个数字小于另一个数字的一​​种方法是给出(单例表示)它们的差异:

data LE n m where
    LE :: Natty z -> LE n (n :+ z)

我们可以提出一个测试给定数字是否小于另一个的程序。 le尝试从n中减去m,并且失败并返回Nothing或产生差异,作为Natty,并证明减法为正确,打包在LE构造函数中。

le :: Natty n -> Natty m -> Maybe (LE n m)
le Zy m = Just (LE m)
le (Sy n) (Sy m) = fmap (\(LE z) -> LE z) (le n m)
le _ _ = Nothing

这个想法可以推广给我们一个强烈打字的compare&#34;。比较两个数字时,您要么得知它们相等,要么就知道它们比另一个要小。 (Either (LE n m) (LE m n)也可以完成这项工作,但这个版本更精确一些。)

data Compare n m where
    LT :: Natty z -> Compare n (n :+ S z)
    EQ :: Compare n n
    GT :: Natty z -> Compare (m :+ S z) m

compare :: Natty n -> Natty m -> Compare n m
compare Zy Zy = EQ
compare Zy (Sy m) = LT m
compare (Sy n) Zy = GT n
compare (Sy n) (Sy m) = case compare n m of
    LT z -> LT z
    EQ -> EQ
    GT z -> GT z


请注意,与le不同,compare为总数。它 总是给你一个结果:每个数字都小于,等于或大于其他每个数字。我们的目标是编写一个程序来测试两个数字中哪一个更小,但我们也发现自己证明数字是totally ordered,并且编写了一个类型安全的减法例程,所有这些都在同一个函数中。

另一种查看compare的方式是作为视图对自然数字对。当你比较两个数字时,你会知道哪个数字少了多少,并且知道了数字本身的知识。 Agda的点图案对这种细化概念有很好的支持:

compare : (n m : Nat) -> Compare n m
compare zero zero = eq
compare zero (suc m) = lt m
compare (suc n) zero = gt n
compare (suc n)            (suc m)           with compare n m
                        -- see how matching on `lt` refines `m` to `n + suc z`
compare (suc n)            (suc .(n + suc z)) | lt z = lt z
compare (suc m)            (suc .m)           | eq = eq
     -- likewise matching on `gt` refines `n` to `m + suc z`
compare (suc .(m + suc z)) (suc m)            | gt z = gt z

无论如何,我无法直接与您的singletons错误来源进行对话,但{one} Ord对于单身人士价值难以处理的一个原因是,它假定您是&#39;重新比较相同类型的值:

class Ord a where
    compare :: a -> a -> Ordering

当你比较两个单身时,他们通常不会有相同的类型!这是单身人士的全部观点:他们的类型直接反映了他们的价值。如果您有两个Natty n值(n匹配),那么比较它们没什么意义,因为您已经知道它们相等;如果它们不相等,你就无法比较它们!
